One thing, though… $devices[0] isn’t the first device added in the list. It seems to be the first sensor in the device. Or something. I’ve added temperature, pressure, humidity (in that order) and $devices[0] seems to return the value of the pressure sensor.
Ever since I’m on Homey 2023 and Advanced Capabilities has been updated all my lights turn on.
I use a lot of AVD’s to group my lights but this never happened when I was on Homey 2019.
Sometimes when I come home from work all my lights were on.
Just a few minutes ago this happened and I saw Advanced Capabilities was updated.
Any idea why and what I can do myself to prevent my lights from turning on like this?
I am not sure why this would happen, you have a logo of a cloud and it is turned on by the DC app but it also shows your name.
I cannot simulate this, i cannot find any log where this is the same for me.
Will do.
I have changed a few things in the avd that might causing this.
The reflect (reflecteer) option is removed now.
There are a few avd’s where I did not set that option and those do not have this issue.
Is my reflecteer setting okay or was that not set correctly?