[APP][Pro] Device Capabilities - Enhance the capabilities of devices

Ok, thanks. I was hoping to create something similar for the mobile app tile as you get with the large web tile.

The fields I’m talking about are these

Still… Seems I need to use some sort of formular hete, so seems like it"s not the path to a solution to what I want anyway :slight_smile:

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@Tiwas and @Peter_Kawa

Working on it.
Testing it right now.
Update to the new test version.
For the Status Indicator field, you can now format a BLL Expression for the Unit.

I have added 2 devices as reflect:

In the Calculation BLL Expression, i have placed $values[0]. Meaning, the actual number for the Status Indicator is the first device’s value.

Then i have placed the next code in the Unit Expression:
'Temp\n'+ $values[1] + ' Hum'
The result is:

Have fun!


Yes, that works. Thanks!

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Update to the latest testversion for a bugfix when using a flowcard btw.

Solved in latest (upcoming) version.

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Wow, cool!!

@Arie_J_Godschalk Nice work! Thanks :slight_smile:

One thing, though… $devices[0] isn’t the first device added in the list. It seems to be the first sensor in the device. Or something. I’ve added temperature, pressure, humidity (in that order) and $devices[0] seems to return the value of the pressure sensor.

Show me prinstscreens of the settings please?
There is no $devices :wink:
You mean $values i guess :wink:

Hello Arie,
i did an update of the Chronograph App and the problem is solved.
see also Bitbucket Issue #36

Thanks, ill look into it.

There is a Topic for That, so Moved…

Ever since I’m on Homey 2023 and Advanced Capabilities has been updated all my lights turn on.
I use a lot of AVD’s to group my lights but this never happened when I was on Homey 2019.

Sometimes when I come home from work all my lights were on.

Just a few minutes ago this happened and I saw Advanced Capabilities was updated.

Any idea why and what I can do myself to prevent my lights from turning on like this?


Please show the Device-tab-log for lights going on?

It happens multiple times in a row.
For now I have created a flow that turns my lights off immideatly when the lux value is high enough.

This is what I see at one the light avd’s.
22 minutes ago (at the image) and that is right after the update of the app.

Lamp hal 1 is an AVD?

Show me the AVD settings?

I am not sure why this would happen, you have a logo of a cloud and it is turned on by the DC app but it also shows your name.
I cannot simulate this, i cannot find any log where this is the same for me.

Because there is no log in the avd hal that shows the lights were turned on. Only motion detection.

Lamp hal 1 is one of the two lights in that avd. Further there are two motion sensors in that hall.

This how the avd has been setup and had no issues on Homey 2019.

Please show me the rest of Button 2, since thats the one i need :wink:

Can you create a ticket?
I wanna finish the Simple Log script first and not loss focus, because this is gonna take some time i think.

btw, all my topics now have a ticket link at the start of the topic.
@Sharkys thanks for the tip :slight_smile:

Will do.
I have changed a few things in the avd that might causing this.
The reflect (reflecteer) option is removed now.
There are a few avd’s where I did not set that option and those do not have this issue.

Is my reflecteer setting okay or was that not set correctly?