Please then wait for the new power adapter, im not really taking support on this kind of “random” issues, because this is exactly why you need the new power adapter.
If the bug remains after a new powersupply, then report back to me.
I’ already using a different power adapter with 5v/2A specs.
The crashes started with more devices connected and additional (advanced flows)
So I doubt that’s the power adapter issue.
Red Iphonitis rigorosa : level 11
Okay, well, it still seems like a non-app issue, but more of a homey issue.
I wouldn’t know how to resolve the crashes
There is more of us with this problem, you need to push on Athom to get it resolved, please submit them details using Loading... - Form by Asana and ask for follow-up via - your requests are irrelevant unfortunately to the DC App functionality, even believe me I pretty much understand what you are going trough…
Btw, there is Sysinternal app, so maybe you can do some regular restarts prior your HP2023 reaching critical state and crash - sysInternals App for Homey | Homey
I’m not sure if I dream or not… I had used great flow from Peter on monitoring of CPU/MEM… this introduced some logic like those below. Now with more sophisticated solution (SysInternals), I have deleted the device and flows…yet seem the logics still exists and are being updated ?
Do I dream ?
Seeing the upper / lower limits, this seems to be however nonsese, so it’s maybe just leftover of insights which I can delete using script above ?
From longer time frame seems to be really dead… :
Any thoughts on this ?
In the last few hours I got 3 crashes of Homey Pro 2023. And I was only refining or adding some advanced flows in the web-app.
Every time with a red pulsing led ring. I had to cut the power every time to recover.
I noticed that Homey was every time really hot. So my guess big bet is that it is overheated and then crashes.
That closed box without an active fan might be looking fancy, but it looks like its a heat killer for the system (stability).
(And there are so many quite fans available out there… )
Next time your Homey crashes, pick it up carefully and check if it hot.
Red Iphonitis rigorosa : level 11
I don’t have the new Homey yet, but based on my experience with the Raspberry 4, I agree that the system will not work without active cooling. My first mod will be to remove the top cover of the case and put a fan, over the entire surface.
I’m even considering making a completely new case with a 3D printer to give Homey more air to breathe. At the latest, when I do the mod with a new Raspi module 4 / 8 GB, Homey will die of heat otherwise.
Fuck the warranty, it’s still cold in Europe, what’s that going to do in the summer ?
That’s not enough for HP2023.
or a good case. My RPi4 is passively cooled using the Flirc case, which works very well.
Apologies to Arie for several OT posts Let’s end it here…and let’s move to dedicated HP2023 thread(s), the story do not end here (unfortunately)
I have a rather peculiar question. I started using the Device Capabilities app for the first time last week to control all the Ikea blinds in a zone (also using the new Homey). Everything works great but one after another blind becomes unresponsive over time…meaning all of them in 48 hours say. After some investigation two actions restore them to operation: a) Out with the blind battery, and back in b) ping each blinds from the developer app and all is well again.
Based on this it seems they go to sleep so to say. Now the question: new Homey issue or is the device Capabilities app somehow different than using the device controls directly with the ikea app?
Maybe some ideas?
Regards Samuel
That is the thing. I was especially careful migrating from a stable Homey 2018 to the new. Adding powered devices first and last the battery powered blinds (end points) to make a total of 46 zigbee devices (exluding another 15 on a Hue gateway).
Gent’s, this is Device capabilities app thread
Noted, lets say then that my problem in unlikely caused by yhe device capabilities app
Btw,didn’t know this is possible… so it’s gone now
@Sharkys I think you also have quite a few OT posts to remove
It’s okay m8, i don’t worry to much about OT posts
Sometimes an on-topic just goes off-topic, and you cannot always make a clear distinction where to stop the conversation and start a new topic, since older posts are than not part of the new topic.
I guess the following is a Homey firmware issue, but will post it here, nonetheless.
Om Homey2023 it seems impossible to use the “Retrieve the Insights” card to retrieve values from measure_power capability anymore. This was working fine on Homey2016.
Many thanks for this invaluable Swiss army app!
Yeah, im still waiting for the powersupply before i solve specific hp2023 issues, but thanks for reporting
Found an edge case issue, when 1 of the devices with reflect tries to reflect a capability that was changed/deleted by the other app/device making the “eigenschap” field empty/invalid, it will put pretty much all virtual devices (not just the affected) unavailable with the message cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'value')
, but only after the app has rebooted.
After fixing the affected capability input, you need to reboot the app again to make all devices available again.