Hope you can help me out. I have a homey (standard) and using several Shellies to control my home. I have an issue with my motion BLU ‘s to trigger a flow.
How I have installed them:
installed Shelly 1 gen 3 in Shelly app.
Connected BLU to this Shelly via Shelly app
Connected Shelly 1 to Homey
Connected Blu to homey
I get data in Homey. Both Battery and illumination seems to work ok.
I would like to have Shelly 1 switched based on motion. So I made a flow triggered by motion, switching the Shelly. Does not work. I have 3 motion, but no luck
I was able to make a simple automation in Shelly-app doing the same, That works. So the motion seem to work fine.
Hi @Huub1,
there are many possibilities ´, how something my rund different from your expectations.
There might be some issues in transfering the motion information from the shelly sensor to homey.
There might be some issues transfering the switch order from homey to shelly
there might be some misconception in how cards act and where to place
So why don’t you give us some more information:
What is your homey (standard)? Just the Homey Cloud, the Homey Bridge or the Homey Pro? Probably there are different concepts what is standard now in 2025.
What is the version of your homey firmware, if relevant?
Which is the device you use to work on your homey? Is it a PC with web interface, an Android or an IOS device?
Which App did you connect your shellys to homey, which is the app’s version? Usually it is the Shelly App, but some devices could be connected as generic zigbee or z-wave devices.
You write you see data on homey, but what is the data? Do you see motion incidents, Do you see switching incidents? Can you switch via your homey app?
Show us a screenshot of your flow.
Describe the situation as precise as possible: what is the situation before the incident, you want the flow to run. what is the incident you want to initiate the flow.
What is the action you expected and what did you see or didn’t see?
Those seem to be trivial to you and probably most of them are. So you can start with those you think that are the most useful for us, or just easy to explain.
But at least the descriptions Does not work and No luck, without seeing the flow is not sufficient to guess, what might have happened. And for those of us, who work actively on the Shelly-app you could even provide us the automation in the Shelly-app that works as expected.
Thank you for the feedback. I am fully open on providing info, but did not exactly were to start.
Let me answer your questions comments:
I have a Homey bridge
Homey firmware 12.3.0. If I am right, this is latest version
I use all my homey / Shelly apps on IOS.
Shelly app is the standard app 3.40.20. Also seems to be latest
The intend of the flow is switch on a light when triggered by a motion. Quite straighforward. A screenshot for the Homey (not working) and Shelly App (working)
There is not much more to tell on the incident. The flow has not worked yet. I do not understand why. The motion activation seems not to be send to Homey. I waited up to a minute, without success. Other activations e.g. humidity via shell H&T BLU sensor work well.
I think so. the motion is connected via another Shelly via Bluetooth and sends all data to Homey. Only…. Not motion (but battery and illumination seem to be send)
What is people’s experience with the Wave devices now?
I like the idea of having DIN mounted relays, but I see some comments a while back with people having some issues with the Wave devices. Is this still a thing?
Hello Shelly friends and HomeyPro fans, I would like to trigger an action when a negative value is reached. Unfortunately, negative values cannot be entered.
Background: If my balcony power plant produces more than my house consumes, I would like to switch on some infrared heaters.
For example, if total consumption is less than -210 watts, my infrared heater should switch on (consumption 200 watts), then I will be below zero and use the surplus from the sun.
Please show the flow.
Is a - not accepted, or do you miss the dash on your phone’s keypad?
For the latter, just enter the negative value somewhere, and next, cut/paste that into the flow card.
I was able to check whether the Shelly sensor values reach Homey. Apparently they do randomly. The motions do typically not reach. The illumination of the same sensor does reach Homey.
Strangely enough if you look in the “insight” tab of Homey web, I find illumination etc, but no motion option to review.
*** Please be aware, Shelly BLU devices only work properly with Homey if you also have a Plus/Pro device connected to Homey which can serve as a Bluetooth Proxy. The Bluetooth implementation of Homey isn’t sufficient as it’s not properly implemented and has bad range.**
* Ok, so does I need one plus/pro for the whole house acting as Bluetooth Proxy and not necessarily connected with the blu devices or I will need one Bluetooth Proxy for each area where I have blu devices? This part is not clear to me
Hi Rene,
It seems as if the cause is definitely the Shelly BLU motion sensor, that is not properly recognised/understood by your Homey.
Unfortunately I cannot help very much in this case. Hopefully someone else will like @Daitarn3 already did.
Regards Dirk
Actually I didn’t solve my problem with Shelly blu, at least they are in homey but through home assistant integration ( with HA is much more easier to integrate blu devices e keep them working ). I will try to invest some more time to understand how homey shelly app want to communicate with shelly blu; I step back because communications fault was too much consistent
so digging a little bit in the script created by homey in the shelly that has to act as proxy it’s clear that:
Yes, the Shelly device running the script needs to be within BLE range of the devices it is scanning for (the supported Shelly BLU devices) in order to communicate with them.
It means that if I want to use shelly cloud and homey I need to have one device acting for gateway and one device acting as proxy in the close range of the blu devices…otherwise they will not send their status to homey but only to shelly cloud
I also tried this configuration with a shelly motion but failed communication with homey is frequent while comunication with shelly cloud is not, I will try to get the proxy device closer but it’s actually 3 mt away with a tiny wall between.
I do not understand why the home assistant shelly integration do not have this problem