[APP][Pro&Cloud] Shelly

On Shelly Plus Plug S I miss the possibility of dimming and changing colors on LED light.

I’m still waiting for any easy API for setting the color and/or dimming it. It does not exist.

Hello, I have both Homey pro and Shelly set to the local network, but. unfortunately still can’t get Shelly1PM into Homey. I also restarted Homey, set it to factory settings and re-installed all the devices I have at home, but unfortunately still the same problem. could you direct me where I’m doing wrong? well thank you.

Blu Button Beacon Mode

Configured one shelly plus 1 and a blu button. Everything according to instructions. plus1 is acting as the gateway. Firmware update via BLE debug app, Beacon mode enabled.

the button is 50cm away from the plus1. This is how it looks like:

so its always in range and out of range. Time is set to 1 min.

any idea?

Did you disable Bluetooth Gateway on the plus device under the Bluetooth settings?

No sorry I can’t, this is beyond the scope of the support of the Shelly app for Homey.

how about over the top? I am willing to pay to add it to Homey. So I don’t understand where the error is, whether it’s still with me or I have something wrong with Homey.

I think, all the "old “Shelly” does’nt work with new Homey Pro 2023.
In the developer tool site you can see it :frowning:

You are using the old drivers which have been deprecated for over more than a year. You need to re-pair these devices.

You should find someone locally that can look into your specific situation.

Yes, gateway is disabled and proxy service was started as you wrote in the instructions

Either troubleshoot the Bluetooth advertisements being received by the Plus or the connection between the Plus and Homey. It’s probably the first, I have seen cases where the plus just isn’t picking up the beacon events. How to troubleshoot this is mentioned in (little detail) in the first post.

Thanks for helping:

i enabled the debug mode and added the line to the script.

i can see a button press of the blu button, but no range messages, whereas homey is constantly changing range state.

Button and shelly 1 plus are not moved and are side by side

This confirms what I said. Somehow the plus is not receiving the beacon events. Homey is but it’s stack and range are to bad be to consistently receive them resulting in the toggling behaviour. I asked Allterco Robotics about plus devices but picking up the beacon events but didn’t get a good answer. Try rebooting the plus and / or restarting the script until you do see beacon events.


I have just added Shelly 1 plus and is working and accessible in Shelly app however I am not able to add to Homey, getting following error message, the Shelly app confirms I have the latest Firmware when I try update same and I have tried resetting both Shelly and Homey Pro 2023 in the apps, greatly appreciate input. Tnx!

Seems that pairing Shelly Pro3EM with the Switch Add-on does not detect the switch on the device.

There is no control for the add-on relay with the first Pro3em device not the other two.

Doing an api call to
Reveals the add-on {"digital_out":{"switch:100":{}}}

And calling works as expected.

Currently Shelly documents that the add-on is only available for Pro 3EM at this time.

These seem to be two different devices seeing the IP addresses. One indicating networking issues and one indicating outdated firmware (although this could also be network related). Follow the troubleshooting guide to the letter (for instance, did you enable cloud before checking the firmware).

Submit a feature request on Github. Don’t think I implemented this already.


On latest app version v3.23.8, operating three Shelly dimmers. All dimmers are operable via Shelly’s native iOS app, all on same WiFi, all on same Ip range, all on fixed dhcp assignments.

Previously all worked via Homey. Now one does, the other two do not. Removed one of the defunc ones and could not re-add it via Homey’s Shelly app, while the dimmer is responsive to the native app.

Have upgraded to a new modem (ziggo/sagemcom) but am intrigued one is working and other two are not. IP address in Homey app of the summer I did not remove is the same as the assignment in dhcp and on Shelly’s native app. I did notice that dimmer didn’t indicate a Shelly prefix in the dns listed device name, whereas two others did. Have upgraded the dimmers’ firmware and rebooted them. Homey reboots every night, and PTP is needed anyhow to play nice with IKEA.

Any ideas?