[APP][Pro&Cloud] Shelly

Thank you very much but my English will never improve like this!!

But if you try to make something clear with unclear English, the other person will never understand.
And then things get mixed up and nobody understands.
And speaking to each other in person is very different from writing it down.

Very true! But if I do it and I’m wrong maybe I’ll realize what I said, if the PC does it maybe it’s saying something completely different without even knowing it!

it seems that homey only recognizes switch mode. I ask you: When I set the button mode, are the graphics of channels 1,2,3 correct?
Thank you

The state of the input will be visible in Homey once it actually changes. When the input is configured as button you need to use the generic action card for receiving button press events. If you are seeing inconsistent results there is probably something wrong with the configuration where the Shelly i4 is not sending status updates over the outbound websocket connection. All of this information and how to fix it is in the first post. You also did not reply to my request of posting your config either. I’m pretty much done with giving you the same information over and over.

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That is correct, I told you already.

Here is the documentation from Shelly about this.

| state | boolean or null | (only for type switch, button) State of the input (null if the input instance is stateless, i.e. for type button)

{“ble”:{“enable”:true,“rpc”:{“enable”:true},“observer”:{“enable”:false}},“cloud”:{“enable”:true,“server”:“shelly-6-eu.shelly.cloud:6022/jrpc”},“input:0”:{“id”:0,“name”:null,“type”:“button”,“invert”:false,“factory_reset”:true},“input:1”:{“id”:1,“name”:null,“type”:“button”,“invert”:false,“factory_reset”:true},“input:2”:{“id”:2,“name”:null,“type”:“button”,“invert”:false,“factory_reset”:true},“input:3”:{“id”:3,“name”:null,“type”:“switch”,“invert”:false,“factory_reset”:true},“mqtt”:{“enable”:false,“server”:null,“client_id”:“shellyplusi4-083af200aa9c”,“user”:null,“topic_prefix”:“shellyplusi4-083af200aa9c”,“rpc_ntf”:true,“status_ntf”:false,“use_client_cert”:false,“enable_rpc”:true,“enable_control”:true},“sys”:{“device”:{“name”:null,“mac”:“083AF200AA9C”,“fw_id”:“20230912-081943/1.0.3-g6176478”,“discoverable”:true,“eco_mode”:false,“addon_type”:null},“location”:{“tz”:“Europe/Rome”,“lat”:45.490660,“lon”:9.160320},“debug”:{“level”:2,“file_level”:null,“mqtt”:{“enable”:false},“websocket”:{“enable”:false},“udp”:{“addr”:null}},“ui_data”:{},“rpc_udp”:{“dst_addr”:null,“listen_port”:null},“sntp”:{“server”:“time.google.com”},“cfg_rev”:25},“wifi”:{“ap”:{“ssid”:“ShellyPlusI4-083AF200AA9C”,“is_open”:true, “enable”:true, “range_extender”: {“enable”:false}},“sta”:{“ssid”:“CasaPegli”,“is_open”:false, “enable”:true, “ipv4mode”:“static”,“ip”:“”,“netmask”:“”,“gw”:“”,“nameserver”:“”},“sta1”:{“ssid”:null,“is_open”:true, “enable”:false, “ipv4mode”:“dhcp”,“ip”:null,“netmask”:null,“gw”:null,“nameserver”:null},“roam”:{“rssi_thr”:-80,“interval”:60}},“ws”:{“enable”:true,“server”:“ws://”,“ssl_ca”:“*”}}

Why post this now? If your question is that input show no value when configured as button, that is correct. I already referenced the Shelly documentation about this. As mentioned, you are expecting to see results that are not in line with how it works. Stop wasting my time.

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My only problem is that the keys don’t work when configured as a button. Homey doesn’t see them.
I just asked for help but I haven’t received a response yet. I wrongly tried to provide as much information as possible but perhaps it only created confusion and misunderstandings

And what does, “doesnt see them” mean? If you are expecting to see anything change under the device you are wrong. It will send a an event which can be used to trigger a flow using the generic action event card. Did you set up the correct flow as instructed from the first post to capture these button events? And is the IP address of your Homey, this is where the Shelly i4 is sending these events to.

I have a mail network and different subnets, and, etc. The shelly plugs are in the main network, each subnet has a homey. I paired the shelly devices with all 7 homeys manually and that allows to switch them on /off from each homey.
However the status of the shelly plugs, if changed by one homey is not reflected in the other homeys. I have rules based on the status of the plugs but of course they don’t work as they should as status updates from other homeys are not detected.
I understand this is an exceptional case and a low priority issue, just let me know and I will look for homey to homey communication as work aroud.
thanks for your time,

Not low priority but out of scope. Upon pairing a Shelly device with Homey the configuration of that Shelly device is updated to report it’s status to that Homey based on the IP address of that specific Homey. So the Shellies will report their status to the latest Homey you paired them with assuming the Shelly can reach that IP address.

In theory you could change the CoIoT peer setting of gen1 devices from the current Homey IP address:port to mcast so status updates are send as multicast broadcasts. If the subnets allow for multicast traffic to pass through this should in theory update the status on all Homey devices. This is all unsupported though and I cant help you with it.

Just out of curiosity: can one actually pair a device to more then one Homey? I thought pairing creates a 1:1 relationship. Is it only possible for WiFi devices?

Only for WiFi and Bluetooth devices. But as mentioned, this does not play well for WiFi devices as they will usually only report their to one Homey.

In theory this should work.
I just tried it 5 minute ago and added my Shelly 1 to my HP23.
The Shelly 1 is a device that i use on my HP19.
So Shelly 1 is now on both Homey’s.
On the field were you can add your ip adres of Homey i entered there “mcast”
without the “”.
And still checked Enable ColoT.

When I turn on the light with HP23 it instantly shows it on my HP19 and vice versa.
So it will work. For me.

“This is only info”.

By “doesn’t see them” I mean it doesn’t work. I made a flow where I turn on a light if I do a single press and it doesn’t work.
The same scene set on the Shelly app works.

Shelly Settings are:
TLS no validation and ws://

The input in a switch mode works. In a button mode doesn’t work.

I just tested it this morning and there is nothing wrong with the app. There is something wrong in your configuration. Post your flow here or start from scratch. Remove the device from Homey, reset the Shelly i4 and start again.

The following release is now in test and will be published to live after approval from Athom. It contains a possible breaking change for Homey Cloud users.

v3.22.0 - 2023-10-14

  • Breaking change: All device specific drivers voor Homey Cloud have been removed. They have been deprecated for more than a year now and have now been completely removed. If you are still using the deprecated driver you are now required to re-pair your devices using the generic driver.
  • Logic added which checks the communication configuration of devices upon device initialization and fixes any issues, for instance when Homey’s IP address was changed after pairing the Shelly device.
  • Improved error reporting for users that do not read and follow the pairing instructions.
  • Input capabilities for Plus/Pro devices that have the input configured as button are automagically removed. Buttons don’t have a state and the input capability serves no function.
  • The app setting to disable CoAP updates has been removed. This setting serves no purpose anymore after a memory leak has been fixed some time back and it confuses less tech savvy users.
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Thanks. I uninstalled the shelly i4, did a factory reset and installed it again in shelly and then in Homey.
In homey I don’t have the “single push”

, double push and long push tabs but only ON OFF etc.

For the millionth time, read the usage instructions from the first post on how to use the action events.

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