[APP][Pro&Cloud] Shelly

I justed tested pairing a Shelly Pro 3EM and the I can see the option to include or exclude the energy in the total under the devices advanced settings just fine. Is it available for you under the webUI?

And if not, what Homey version and firmware are you using? And what version of the smartphone app are you using? And what version of the Homey app for Shelly are you using? If the latter is not 3.19.1 you should force a reinstall from the app store. There is an issue where the latest update is not rolled out automatically. Athom is looking into that.

Interesting. Let me summarize the versions.
Homey: Homey Pro (Early 2019) Version 8.1.4
Homey IOS app:
Shelly app version on Homey: v3.19.1
Shelly Pro3EM Shelly Firmware: 0.14.1

I have checked the settings from webapp as well. It is missing for me:

That is actually also true. On my HP2019, the options are not in the advanced settings.

I’m looking for users that are having trouble upgrading from 3.18.7 to 3.19.1. There is an issue that Athom needs to investigate and they need a Homey diagnostic report to find out what is wrong. If you are experiencing this issue, please send the report (from the Homey settings, not from the app) and post the ID here so I can contact Athom about it.

Yes, I seem to have this issue.

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Hello everyone!

This is my first experience with Home Pro 2023, it’s my first Homey.

I installed the Shelly App, Everything is fine!
I can’t just insert the Shelly H&Ts into Homey Pro 2023, they are seen but not inserted.
Are they supported by the Shelly App?

If yes, what can I do?

Many thanks, see you soon

Start with reading and following the pairing instructions. There you will read you need to keep battery operated devices awake during pairing by pressing the wake-up button of the device.

Dear Phuturist,

all Shelly H&Ts are powered by cable (Power), so they are always live.

Which button are you referring to?

Many thanks, see you soon

I assume you have the Shelly Plus H&T (with the e-ink screen). You need to open the back and there is a button there. If you have the old Shelly H&T you need to screw open the top.

Dear Phuturist,

yes, I have all Shelly H&T (old model, the round one).

There are two problems (maybe):

  1. If I open it, I cut off the power cable.
  2. Is there a way to press the button without opening it?
  3. But then, if I press the button, won’t I risk resetting the Shelly H&T?

Forgive me for all these questions, but I am disabled and I will have to make use of helpers who will offer me their hands…

Can you attach 1 or 2 screenshots to clarify the procedure?

Many thanks, see you soon

Please read the user manual. Specifically the part about the control button.


Dear Phuturist,

thanks for the Shelly H&T manual which I will read very carefully!

Just one piece of information: is the button you tell me to press the same one that could reset the device?

What is the signal that will let me know that it is in “pairing” mode?

Many thanks, see you soon!

As mentioned read the manual.

Control button

  • Press briefly to wake the Device up when it in sleep mode, or put it to sleep mode if it is awake.
  • Press and hold for 5 sec to activate Device Access Point
  • Press and hold for 10 sec to factory reset.

Dear Phuturist,

Many thanks, see you soon!

IMPORTANT for users that are currently stuck on version 3.18.7 of the app.

With version 3.19.x the app has been extended with support for Shelly BLU devices. I had to add Bluetooth permission to the app to make this work. Apparently when adding new permissions to an app it’s not auto updated and requires the user interaction for the upgrade. According to Athom users will be notified about the new version through the Homey smartphone app. But seeying the number of people that have not upgraded, this notification seems to have not reached the bigger part of the user base where thousands of users are still on 3.18.7.

To perform a manual upgrade you will need to press the App update available button under the app settings.

P.s. I read a report that at least for one user this resulted in the error app.update.appinstallError. If you experience this issue please let Athom know about it so they can look into it. A workaround would be to force a reinstall of the app from the app store.

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Hello! I have a problem connecting Shelly Plus 2PM!
Latest app version.


Read the pairing instructions from the first post and follow them to the letter.

I made this, still have a white screen. Shelly firmware 1.0.0-beta2, Cloud is on, Password auth is off, mDNS discovery works, Outbound Socket ready with ws:// with different TLS (screenshot below), router MikroTik. What problem can be?

There is a trailing slash missing in the server for the outbound websockets. But you should not have to edit this field by hand. Upon pairing the device the app will configure this field for you. If pairing is giving issues there probably is something wrong within your network. Restart the app, wait 1 minute, try to pair the device again and send me a diagnostic report afterwards so I can confirm it’s networking issues.

Hmm, I just tried to connect to Shelly 2.5 same problem, but it wasn’t before on Linksys, it looks like I should enable something on MikroTik, anyway you can check diagnostic report - d5bea1c2-f852-4dce-b43a-a0b6cc16a1bd