[APP][Pro] BMW Connected

Is this app dead? Not a single function seems to be working.

The goal is to just run one smart hub. I just have HA right now because thats where old is running, and just used it to verify if its running.

The app still works on my Homey…

And does function lock/unlock/climate works for you? Because these functions do not work for me…

No, stoped working long time ago.

That’s what I am talking about. The only two functions that are handy for automation and it doesn’t work. And developer seems to be dead to fix the issue. This is a real weakness of Homey :sob:

Yes I have the same issue. But not handy with coding so if you could take a look to see if you can revive this app, would be awesome

Facing same issue: can’t re-add my BMW anymore.
Tried to debug, but the issue is above my coding skills…

Somehow the required token is not retrieved, recognised, used or saved using SDK function “executeFetchWithRetry”. If the error is in the SDK code, it’s likely an extra hurdle to fix the app…

Error logs:

[log] [ManagerDrivers] [Driver:bmw] BMW ConnectedDrive driver has been initialized
[log] [ManagerDrivers] [Driver:mini] Mini ConnectedDrive driver has been initialized
[log] [] Error: 429: Error occurred while attempting to retrieve token.
[log] [] Debug: Attempting retrieving token from token store.
[log] [] Debug: Getting token from token endpoint.
[log] [] Trace: {"client_id":"xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxx" ,"response_type":"code","redirect_uri":"com.bmw.connected://oauth","state":"O-YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY","nonce":"login_nonce","scope":"openid profile email offline_access smacc vehicle_data perseus dlm svds cesim vsapi remote_services fupo authenticate_user","code_challenge":"Cd6F-ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ","code_challenge_method":"S256","grant_type":"authorization_code","username":"my@email.com","password":"<password>"}
[log] Trace: Sleeping for retry.
[log] Trace: Sleeping for retry.
[log] Trace: Sleeping for retry.
[log] Trace: Sleeping for retry.
[log] Trace: Sleeping for retry.
[log] Trace: Sleeping for retry.
[log] Trace: Sleeping for retry.
[log] Trace: Sleeping for retry.
[log] Trace: Sleeping for retry.
[log] Error: 429: Error occurred while attempting to retrieve token. Server response: 
[log] [ManagerDrivers] [Driver:bmw] Error: 429: Error occurred while attempting to retrieve token.
    at Account.executeFetchWithRetry (/node_modules/bmw-connected-drive/src/Account.ts:197:19)
    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
    at Account.retrieveToken (/node_modules/bmw-connected-drive/src/Account.ts:114:26)
    at Account.getToken (/node_modules/bmw-connected-drive/src/Account.ts:59:26)
    at /drivers/ConnectedDriver.ts:20:13

Have the same error since 2 days now. App is broken.

Can anyone fix / adopt this app? Would like to continue using it.

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Same here, also 2 days no contact with the car.

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Probably the issue is on the BMW servers … Willingly or not, is not clear at this stage:

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The native MyBMW app works perfect…

Indeed. But the authentication for third parties doesn’t.

I’m afraid you are right the issue is indeed at BMW: as soon as your stored token expires you won’t be able to get a new one.
The issue now also occurs for me at Home Assistant and at Tibber the integration to add a BMW also doesn’t work anymore.

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Hi, My BMW flows also stopped working this week. Removed the device and cant add it back as it fails at entering the username/password. I removed the App and then re installed it. Still cant add a device.

I put the username/pw in the App settings but I suspect they aren’t authenticated. When you try and add the device authentication fails.


Hi. Is this app still working? I try to connect my IX50, but the response is that the credentials are not ok. Same for my wife’s Mini Electric. Credentials are fine when logging in to MyBWM and MyMini. Any suggestions? Thank you so much.

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Looks there is a solution when you read the latest posts:

unfortunately I’m not a dev…

Here is an extract of an email I received from BMW.

“To protect users from potential security risks, certain measures, including automatic detection of unusual activity, have been put in place. If certain patterns are identified, the system may block the associated IP address. In this case, it appears that automated activity or scripts were running on your network, triggering the block.

Please note that under these conditions, the IP address cannot be manually unblocked. You must stop these activities and use the system normally. Once the activity is no longer flagged as unusual, access should be restored automatically.”

Although i don’t use the app for almost a year because bmw blocked the ipadress, its still blocked. When i want to check the status in the mybmw app i first have to switch off wifi😬

Hi @Likhan,

First of all, thank you for this app, I really enjoy using it when it’s functioning properly. I hope the following summary about the recent issue will help.

It seems that there have been some changes in the MyBMW API authentication process. Specifically, a hidden CAPTCHA has been introduced during login, which appears to be breaking the authentication process in your Homey application.

The good news is that the team at BimmerConnected has identified a potential workaround. From my research into their Python code, it looks like they’ve added new authentication headers that include the CAPTCHA token while requesting the authentication token from BMW. You can find the related source here: bimmer_connected/bimmer_connected/api/authentication.py at ce073425b4030a22a52f3a1c585480eb3d44e45a · bimmerconnected/bimmer_connected · GitHub

The hidden CAPTCHA token is typically generated during the official BMW login process, but BimmerConnected has developed a mock generator for it, which you can find here: Captcha (Rest of World) — bimmer_connected 0.17.1 documentation

If you have some time, perhaps you could add a simple input field in the Homey app’s settings, below the login form. Users could then manually provide the generated CAPTCHA token, which you could pass to the relevant part of the authentication process (if I understand correctly, somewhere around here in your code: bmw-connected-drive/src/Account.ts at 6904123e41464e011da0b522c42f97d3b8d6b43b · lsiddiquee/bmw-connected-drive · GitHub)

I haven’t personally tested this solution, but I hope it makes resolving the issue a bit easier for you. If this isn’t the root cause, I apologize, I just wanted to help with the best intentions.

Best regards,