Thank you for your reply.
Yes. If I turn off BLL all AVD fields become empty and even if I input something it isn’t retained. When I turn BLL back on, all fields are populated again.
BLL on:
BLL off:
Thank you for your reply.
Yes. If I turn off BLL all AVD fields become empty and even if I input something it isn’t retained. When I turn BLL back on, all fields are populated again.
BLL on:
BLL off:
Good morning,
Can you help me please…
I’m looking to create an ON/Off button that works very well with the grayed-out mode for active Yes/No
I want to create a flow only in the Pressed ON position.
I have in flows: “When Bouton_OnOff is set” but it is triggered when we select the button and when we deselect it
I just want feedback : I press the button to put it on.
thank you for your help.
The ’button is set card’ trigger on both on and off.
Put a ’Logic’ yes/no card after it and select the ’value’ coming from the when-card in the connection. Then proceed from the logic card’s true output.
Best regards
hello Jan-Erik_Hallkvist,
thank you very much for your response,
I actually used this method with a True False logic but I find this method a little complicated to manage. But it works perfectly.
I thought I would find in the flows a test type Press button and Release button to manage my flows more simply.
thank you for your help…
In my ADV’s with a pickerlist, i’d like to show the picked value as an indicator in the tile.
But in the device itself the list is in Dutch (my language) and the tie shows the English words.
EDIT: the cards in the flow are in English too. Maybe a clue to the issue?
I think those are the technical names of the values. I noticed the same when e.g. using Logic cards to check the status of my curtain motors. I always have to use the technical names, not de displayed names. I don’t think it is specifically related to AVDs/the Device Capabilities app.
A work-around to get the NL names to display on the tile, is to create a flow that is triggered when you change the active mood. Using logic cards to check which mood is selected, set the tile’s indicator text to whichever text you like. For this you’ll need to create a text field in the AVD that holds the NL text to be displayed (and that you set via the said flow). You can then select this text field as the device’s indicator field.
Hi SunBeech. Thanks for helping me. Alas, I tried, but cannot figure out how the Textfield should be set. There are too many possibilities for my limited knowledge.
These are my setting:
EDIT: when trying to add a field under Status Indicator Field, and reflect device “MOOD keuze” I can choose capability “Status (number)”. I would have hoped for Status (string) ?
EDIT: The 'Status (string)'capability is only available in the mobile apps and not in the web-app (which is confusing). I found it now and it works. I get the dutch words in the Status indicator.
This is the flow:
Now I can use the AVD “MOOD keuze” (MOOD choice in English) to put on or off the lights, that are contained in the Homey Mood.
“All lights off” is a Mood also (even though this coud also be done with standard “All lights of”). When I click on a Mood in Homey, it executes it. In the “MOOD keuze” the picker list is set accordingly. When I put the “MOOD keuze” on, it executes the selected mood in the pickerlist. When I put it off, it executes the all lichts off mood. When I select a mood in the pickerlist, and the “MOOD keuze” is on, it executes the chozen Mood in the list. When it is off, it only changes the picked mood, but will not execute it. It is a way to remember or set a preferred mood without executing it. Yesterday I thought this could be handy in future flows… we will see…
Glad to hear that you managed to solve it on your own. After all that is the best learning experience .