[APP][Pro] WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram, Facebook messenger

Hi all. I was looking for a way to make a Homey app for Signal messenger. After some days work I had it working on my PC and was about to port it to Homey. Unfortunately the Homey app always crashes when it starts up. This is probably caused by the very heavy package that is required to run a full client with all the encryption that Signal has. I tried reducing the package in size, but still Homey keeps crashing (and I used a Homey Pro for my trials).

So for now I have stopped working on a full Signal client for Homey. In stead I found a neat online service that allows Homey to send messages to yourself. Not only via Signal, but also via WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and Telegram. It is called CallMeBot .

It works easy enough from a development perspective. I was able to send a message within a few minutes. Off course turning that into a user friendly app that can be released in the Homey app store is a lot more work :sweat_smile: .

But after a day of work I have a working first version that supports Signal and WhatsApp. I will try to get that released with Athom, and will continue to work on the app to finetune useability and stability, and to add telegram and facebook. I might even add Telegram call (voice), but will have to look first at what it can do exactly.

So stay tuned for more, and let me know if you think this app can be useful to you.

Donate via PayPal

EDIT 1: I just finished adding Facebook Messenger and Telegram :partying_face:
EDIT 2: It is now released in the app store. Have fun with it!
EDIT 3: Voice messages via Telegram is now also released.
EDIT 4: Image sending is finished also (Signal and FB msgr).


CallMeBot setup instructions

Have Homey send messages to your own preferred messenger service. You can add multiple services and numbers for everyone in your family. It supports Whatsapp, Signal, Telegram and Facebook messenger.

You need to get a personal APIkey before using the API. Keep this key secret so only you can send messages to yourself!


  1. Add the phone number +34 644 76 66 43 into your Phone Contacts. Name it “Homey CallMeBot WhatsApp”.

  2. Send this message “I allow callmebot to send me messages” to the new Contact created (using your WhatsApp of course)

  3. The bot will answer you with your personal apikey.

Add the WhatsApp device in Homey and fill in your phone number and apikey. You can now start sending messages from a flow.


  1. Add the phone number +34 603 21 25 97 into your Phone Contacts. Name it “Homey CallMeBot Signal”.

  2. Send this message “I allow callmebot to send me messages” to the new Contact created (using your Signal Messaging of course)

  3. The bot will answer you with your personal apikey.

Add the Signal device in Homey and fill in your phone number and apikey. You can now start sending messages from a flow.

Facebook messenger

  1. Start a Facebook Messenger conversation with @api.callmebot. Or click here: Redirecting...

  2. Send this message “create apikey” to @api.callmebot (using your Facebook Messenger of course)

  3. The bot will answer you with your personal apikey.

Add the Facebook device in Homey and fill in your user name and apikey. You can now start sending messages from a flow.


  1. Use your Telegram to send /start to @CallMeBot_txtbot. Or click here: Telegram Authentication

  2. The bot will answer you with your personal apikey.

Add the Telegram device in Homey and fill in your user name. No apikey is needed. You can now start sending messages from a flow.

Send Voice Messages

With Telegram you can start a voice call from a flow. The text will be converted to speech in a selection of languages. You can choose between a male and a female voice. As one time setup you need to allow @CallMeBot_API4 to send you messages.

Send Images

With Signal and FB messenger you can send images via a flow.

Data privacy and terms of use

Contact Info CallMeBot service

The callmebot service is running on a private server and paid for by donations. If there is any issue with the service please contact them directly:

Telegram: @callmebot_com
Twitter: @callmebot_com
Email: support@callmebot.com
Website: https://callmebot.com


To do:

  • Add group sending in Telegram

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I would be very happy about such an app. I will post your project in the German forum right away.

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I think this is a very good idea in principle, but wouldn’t it be better to use the Matrix Messager, because it can do everything CallMeBot can do, but it is extensible and more importantly, open source and can be self hosted.


cool. Will definitely check that out. But since I already spent a day on callmebot I will release that now :kissing_heart:

I know, it should not be understood as criticism. But for me the OpenSource/Self Hosted thought is very important and I use as far as possible no cloud services, so after the moto: “My home is my Castel”.

PS: Matrix was also on my homey-todo list, maybe something can be done with the new Matter protocol, we’ll see …:wink:…

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I looked into it Chris. Very interesting indeed, and one day I would surely like to try using this framework, just as I would one day like to drive a hydrogen fueled car when I am able to produce my own hydrogen at home :wink:

But you mention the most important part, besides being open source, is being able to self host it. Now that is a problem for the average Homey user. The framework and the bridges needed to work with WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram, etc. are not lightweight. And furthermore mostly written in Python, a language not supported by Homey. So the self hosting will never be possible with a Homey app. And I do not see the average Homey user installing a server or a rpi for this.

My conclusion: nice for tech savvy HA users on a rpi, but not suited for Homey users without someone creating an online shared service for this. And that would be doing exactly the same as what CallMeBot is doing…


Looked into this. Looks promising. Any chance it’ll be possible to send messages to a whatsapp group?


Sending to a group is not possible with WhatsApp. But it will be possible for Telegram once I add that to the Homey app.

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There is also a telegram app available in the AppStore

I know. But it is very easy for me to just add telegram as an option besides the 3 that were not available (whatsapp, signal and facebook).

Besides: with callmebot I can probably create a very easy voice call function that I do not think is possible in the other telegram app.

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@Gruijter in anticipation of the callmebot app, I requested and received an api code. but now i have already received 2 strange whatsapp messages. does this belong

What do you mean with strange messages? On what messaging service and who is the originator? Edit: I see now you mean whatsapp.

I have no reason to distrust callmebot sending unwanted messages.

But it is important not to share the apikey with anyone, because then it is possible that strangers start sending you messages!

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That would be the next project a Docker based, easy to install and configure “Homey Backend Server”.

As you can see we are not running out of ideas :sweat_smile:


I just finished the new verion v1.1.0

  • Added FB Messenger.
  • Added Telegram.
  • Added device display - last sent date/time.
  • New app image.

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So is it possible to add multiple users for WhatsApp ?

Or send image s to a family group of the house

@Gruijter Is it possible that you add the app to the Community App Store please

Yes. You just need to add every family member seperately in the Homey app.

Not with whatsapp. For Telegram, Facebook and Signal this should be possible once I have time and spirit to add it to the Homey app.

Yes off course :wink:. I already uploaded it to Athom yesterday, but they have to certify it first. That usually takes a week or so.

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The new version only gives me a spinning icon when i go into settings → Callmebot

Stop start / remove and reinstall from git doesnt help.
Will see what it tells me when i run on console

Ahh,nevermind. missing modules :slight_smile: fixture-stdout’