Forum-Beitrag für deutsche Nutzer: [APP][Pro] Grünbeck Wasserenthärter softliQ:SC & softliQ:SD
Make your Gruenbeck watersoftener much smarter with Homey!
Grünbeck - softliQ-SD
The app connects to the Gruenbeck cloud service and retrieves periodically the data from your softliQ-SD. Add the watersoftener as device and consider the data in the device details.
App settings:
- Insert your Gruenbeck account credentials in the app settings
- Define a poll interval. Please use more than 5 minutes (15min are default) to avoid rate limit and blocked account.
- Activate data retrieval. You can deactivate for some hours if polling gets restricted.
- Save the settings - the app will connect and you can add your device
Device data:
The device offers current or statistical values:
- Remaining capacity: the remaining capacity of soft water before a regeneration starts
- Last update: You can check is the data is updated in the defines interval (to see if cloud access is interrupted or your device is offline)
- Salt level. The calculated salt level. Set the default refill amount in device settings and reset the salt level in device settings (maintenance) after filling up the softliQ-SD with new salt.
- Regeneration active: shows, if the regeneration ist active
- Last waterusage: water usage from yesterday
- Last salt usage: salt usage from yesterday
- Water counter: total water consumption
- Salt counter: total salt usage
- Last regeneration: Last regeneration in percent, in case of a partial regeneration.
Device settings:
- Set the default salt level which should be used for reset the salt level uf your device
- Reset the salt level in maintenance view
Flow events for device capabilities
Flow action to rerset salt level
Flow condition for regeneration state
The app is based on the ioBroker adapter created by TA2k GitHub - TA2k/ioBroker.gruenbeck: ioBroker Grünbeck Adapter.
It uses an inofficial approach to connect to the cloud service. I cannot guarantee a stable connection, is Gruenbeck would change the internal API.