[APP] Gruenbeck watersoftener softliQ-SD

:de: Forum-Beitrag für deutsche Nutzer: [APP][Pro] Grünbeck Wasserenthärter softliQ:SC & softliQ:SD

Make your Gruenbeck watersoftener much smarter with Homey!
Grünbeck - softliQ-SD

The app connects to the Gruenbeck cloud service and retrieves periodically the data from your softliQ-SD. Add the watersoftener as device and consider the data in the device details.

App settings:

  • Insert your Gruenbeck account credentials in the app settings
  • Define a poll interval. Please use more than 5 minutes (15min are default) to avoid rate limit and blocked account.
  • Activate data retrieval. You can deactivate for some hours if polling gets restricted.
  • Save the settings - the app will connect and you can add your device

Device data:
The device offers current or statistical values:

  • Remaining capacity: the remaining capacity of soft water before a regeneration starts
  • Last update: You can check is the data is updated in the defines interval (to see if cloud access is interrupted or your device is offline)
  • Salt level. The calculated salt level. Set the default refill amount in device settings and reset the salt level in device settings (maintenance) after filling up the softliQ-SD with new salt.
  • Regeneration active: shows, if the regeneration ist active
  • Last waterusage: water usage from yesterday
  • Last salt usage: salt usage from yesterday
  • Water counter: total water consumption
  • Salt counter: total salt usage
  • Last regeneration: Last regeneration in percent, in case of a partial regeneration.

Device settings:


The app is based on the ioBroker adapter created by TA2k GitHub - TA2k/ioBroker.gruenbeck: ioBroker Grünbeck Adapter.
It uses an inofficial approach to connect to the cloud service. I cannot guarantee a stable connection, is Gruenbeck would change the internal API.

Version history:

Optimized memory usage.

1.1.1 / 1.1.2
softliqSD: Remaining litres/time added in the current regeneration step.

softliqSD: Start regeneration and change device options in the device settings.

Highlight most important trigger flows

Added tokens to flow triggers.

Technical update, flow definition updated.

New capabiliet for softliQ-SD: regeneration state (percent, steps and text)

Improved reconnect after cloud disconnect(softliQ-SD)

Improved reconnect after cloud disconnect(softliQ-SD)

Integration of softliQ-SC series

Initial version (softliQ-SD)

The version 1.0.0 includes the softliQ-SC series.
It’s using the device registration of SC device via Grünbeck cloud. Please set your Grünbeck account (user/pw) for discovery of your softliQ-SC at adding new Homey device. The data is retrived locally in the defined interval.

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