[APP][Cloud & Pro] SwitchBot (Release 2.0.14, Test 2.0.17)


Has anyone been able to schedule the Switchbot K10+ through Homey? The options are quite limited to cleaning specific areas at certain times etc.

The Switchbot app has the ability to schedule vacuuming but I was hoping just to use Homey Pro as much as possible for ease of use and for other family members.

Thanks, Al

The Homey app can only start a total clean as areas are not made available via the API.

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Thanks for confirming Adrian.

Hello everybody,

I have a question about the SwitchBot Lock Pro. Is it possible to remove notifications for each lock/unlock in homey? I removed them in the switchbot application, now it’s homey who sends them to me… No matter how hard I look, I can’t find the option. Thank you :wink:

Don’t you have a flow with a push-notification?

No I don’t make flow with notification, Just homey Who send me it :thinking::face_exhaling:

The app doesn’t have anything special to send a notification, so I guess it’s a feature of Homey. Have you checked in the timeline settings to make sure security notifications are off?

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Yeeees it’s the same picture security in the timeline than in timeline option. Well done and thank a lot (don’t try already but i’m sure it’s the solution).

I have the same Problem. I take the test Version.
I sent the protocol.
Other temperature devices from switchbot are working fine with Homey.
Is the problem, that the hubdeviceid is empty?

I also can’t connect the Meter pro via Bluetooth. Cant find the device. But In the developer Tools I can find the device in the Bluetooth Part.

Did you solve the problem?

The hubdeviceid must have a value to add a hub device. Without that, there is no way to connect to the device. Normally that means there is no SwitchBot hubs within range of the device.

Homey’s BLE is very hit and miss and even if the device is listed it might not have valid service data. Make sure the device is as close as possible to Homey.

All devices are together in 1 room for testing.
In the switchbot App I can see all devices and data.
Maybe it is a error in the api?! So many users have the problem with the Meter pro.
Is it possible to fill in the hubdeviceid manually?

“deviceList”: [
“deviceId”: “B0E9FE535A0E”,
“deviceName”: “MeterPro”,
“deviceType”: “MeterPro”,
“enableCloudService”: true,
“hubDeviceId”: “”
“deviceId”: “D5353334357C”,
“deviceName”: “Meter 7C”,
“deviceType”: “Meter”,
“enableCloudService”: true,
“hubDeviceId”: “F1E7A8C11440”

It looks like there’s a bug in the SwitchBot data. I have just checked mine and it is also missing the hubDeviceid, but I added it to Homey before I made that change in the code.
I will report it to my contact plus add a quick fix to the app this evening.


Hi @Adrian_Rockall ,

Have tryed to get your ESP32 hub working, but having some problems getting is flashed right.

Is buying a Homey Bridge a solution to be a bluetooth extender and will your app (and Athom) support that?

What sort of problems are you running in to?

The SwitchBot hub will act as an extender but Homey can only connect to that via the SwitchBot servers in the cloud.

I have published a new test version that has split the Meter Pro into a separate driver and removed the check for a hubDeviceId.

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Now, it’s working. Thank you.

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Can’t it connect via Matter? The Switchbot hub can expose Switchbot devices (up to 8) to Matter.

Maybe. I haven’t had any success with Matter between Homey and SwitchBot yet, but that could just be due to my lack of interest in it and not persevering :grin: