[APP][Cloud & Pro] SwitchBot (Release 2.0.14, Test 2.0.17)

Thank you. It works now! You made my day :grinning:.

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Hi Adrian, I don’t know if you’re still working on it here. Not quite so relevant for me anymore, because SwitchBot has released a Matter update for the s10. Therefore, I could now connect the vacuum robot directly to the Homey.

@Adrian_Rockall have you heard anything back from your contactperson at Switchbot?

I have recently purchased an S10 and I’m in the process of adding support for it.

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Only that they will probably not do any future work on cameras via the API.

Thanks, That is really a pity because that means you can not use the cam’s in flows.

Maybe after previos API outage, but for some reason I now get the error 190 when adding devices again. Started with existing devices not working. Removed the app and back, but now 190. I guess token is not received after succesful login to Switchbot. Any idea how resolve this?

I have also been seeing error 190 with the message ‘Too many requests’, but the app should safeguard against that. I have reported that to my contact at SwitchBot.

Yes, here 190 api errors as well. Via ble no issues.

Same error here 190, see also on gihub, looks like it is a server side new security from switchbot… Hope it will be solved soon.

Got the error from homey bridge (perhaps server ip of homey are now locked) as I easily imagine taht it send lot of instruction from same ip from bridge user.

It’s happening on Homey Pro as well and each of those will have a different IP address.

My homey cloud has the problem, my homey pro, is ok. So if its not the app, then it depends on the sb cloud pop used.

Tested from my homey pro, new app setup and new adding of device (ir air conditioner from hub) works ok, still not working from homey bridge

Also Got the error on homey bridge when try adding a new device from switchbot (scene) in this testing case

I have the Switchbot S10 and K10+ Pro Mini, but when I try to add them to Homey, only S10 shows…

If I enter the app on Homey and select the Switchbot app, I can see that the app get the information from the hub…

This shows for the mini and also a deviceid
“deviceName”: “Mini”,
“deviceType”: “K10+ Pro”,

This shows for the S10 and also a deviceid
“deviceName”: “Robert”,
“deviceType”: “Robot Vacuum Cleaner S10”,

I guess that the only support currently is for the S10
If thats the case, could you add the K10 :slight_smile:

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Maybe athom must reset the cloud sb app. I just deleted the cloud/bridge app and
moved to the app on the pro. (Better reset/logging possibilities)

Once or twice a day I get the message that the battery of Meter Pro CO2 is empty and within a couple of seconds the message that the battery is OK again.

The battery is ok. I replaced it with a brand new one with still the same error message.

Meter Pro CO2 is connected over BLE and placed rather close to Homey Pro 2023 (less than 1 meter). I use SwitchBot app version 2.0.11.

Can it be a misinterpretation of the received data?
Do more users of this product see this behaviour?

It’s probably as you said, the data received was just dodgy. Unfortunately, there is no checksum for the data.

Thursday 10:45 am

I have recently bought a meter pro and outdoor meter. They work fine trough the switchbot app. But i can’t seem to connect the meter pro to my homey pro 2023. The message says no devices found, while i did put the meter pro in pairing mode (bluetooth logo flashing in right cornor). Am i doing something wrong? Regards, Thomas

No need to put them in pairing mode, provided you have added them to the SwitchBot app.
Homey’s BLE is not great so mak sure they are close to Homey.