[APP][Cloud & Pro] SwitchBot (Release 2.0.14, Test 2.0.17)

I have updated Github with a new version of the ESP32 code and binary.


I spun up my homey pro after a year with HAOS, and tried this.
!!! Invalid response: No OAuth2 Client Found
I get when i try use the switchbot bot (BLE) trough homey ?
Thought it didnt use oauth anymore.
Bug in program?

The app uses oauth for cloud connections but it’s not required for BLE.
I’m not sure where you are seeing the error, but if it’s in the device then it’s not using the BLE option. If that’s the case then use the repair option to renew the token as it would have expired after a year.

I only have one switchbot device, and thats is the BLE switchbot bot.
I see it in the “switchbot” app when i try figure out why it doesnt work in homey (i get timeout).In HAOS and from phone it works fine.
But thanks for the answer\suggjestion :slight_smile:

Unfortunately, Homeys BLE is a bit hit and miss. If possible try moving the two closer together to see if it is just a range issue.

Just bought my first SwitchBot Bot and had to try about 418 times to pair it with my Homey. Once paired it won’t work to operate via Homey. SwitchBot app on my iPhone works flawless. Getting the following errors in log, any idea what I can do to continue the troubleshooting? You can see that Homey have connected to the Bot since the RSSI updates as expected when moved.

  • 2024-09-01T20:38:37.970Z !!! !!! Command for Smoke failed * 2024-09-01T20:39:46.756Z !!! Parsed Bot BLE (Smoke): No service data * 2024-09-01T20:40:27.179Z !!! Parsed Bot BLE (Smoke): No service data * 2024-09-01T20:41:48.020Z !!! Parsed Bot BLE (Smoke): No service data

No service data normally indicates poor reception. Homeys BLE range is not always great, with some Homeys being better than others.

Strange. I have tested both in another room and 10cm from the Homey. You mean that my Homeys BLE can be dysfunctional?

Pretty much on some. I have 3 Homeys and the BLE reliable is different on all three. One of them fails regularly, even though the bot is only about 1m away. The best one is pretty reliable at that distance, but a brick wall will block it.
I actually made a bridge out of an ESP32 module (code is on my Github if you want to use it), because of the issue.

Thanks for quick replies! Think that I just buy a hub mini, pretty cheep on Amazon right now :grin:

That’s certainly the easiest way, but the ESP32 works locally and is very fast. The ESP32 modules are cheap on Amazon but do require a bit more effort to get them programmed. There are instructions on my Github page.
Once it is programmed, you just add SwitchBot devices to Homey via BLE drivers as normal and the app takes care of the rest.

I will only use one SwitchBot Bot to operate a fog machine that I want to trigger with a flow in Homey so it will probably be good enough. If I extend my use of SwitchBot products I will certainly look into a ESP32 :slight_smile:

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Are there any plans to and the "invert’ feature to blind tilt? I know you added this feature for curtains but would be nice to have same feature for blinds for 2 reasons.

First, and maybe it is just my OCD, but off/closed tiles should all be ‘darkend’ but currently closed blinds are hightailed as like in a light switch being on.

Second, for those that used close blinds but in up position vice tilting them down.

I will take a look as soon as I get time.

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Are you using the BLE driver or the cloud driver?

Unfortunately, I now have the next issue. When trying to login and add my SwitchBot through the SwitchBot app in Homey I’m only getting “Wrong username or password”. It’s a newly created account, created directly in the SwitchBot app and not linked to Google, Apple or Amazon account :face_with_diagonal_mouth: Any ideas what I can try to troubleshoot?

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I’m not sure if there is a delay or if you need to login using the SwitchBot mobile app and add a device to active the account.
Also, check the email and password are being entered exactly the same as when you created the account, including upper and lower case.

Both hub and bot is added to the account. Username and password are checked and they are 100% correct. I have also tried to use capital letter in the email address thou I found a thread on google described that can be the problem :confused:
Do I have to enable third party cloud in someway? I found some information regarding that for the old app, but cannot find the setting for it in the current app.

Provided you enter the details exactly the same as when you created the account then it should be OK.
It looks like they have removed the option to enable cloud, so hopefully that should mean it is set to be On by default.

Hi @Adrian_Rockall

Thanks for all your hard work on this app!

I received today the new switchbot wallet card finder if you have any plans to integrate it go this app I am happy to test.

Greet Gijsb