[APP][Cloud & Pro] SwitchBot (Release 2.0.14, Test 2.0.17)

Nothing since my update above. I doubt anything will change quickly as SwitchBot tends to release half finished products and then stops developing them. I have outstanding requests that are nearly 2 years old and most requests just get closed off without even being looked at.

I will receive one tomorrow. I will report if I can see any differences between the old and the new one.

Also a question; are you working on support for the switchlock Pro? I will receive that one aswell.


So far there is no official information, but maybe it has the same API as the original. When you get yours, maybe you could send the Detected log from the app settings page if itā€™s not detected and I will see what device type it shows and add that to the driver.

I think itā€™s likely that both locks use the same api. But we will see. I will try to give you the information ASAP.

Thanks for your support.

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I use the app on my Homey Pro 2023 and it works fine, but it requests more than 37.000! Times the dns server in my network te last days! Why is that? It is by far the most active app regarding the dns server

Answered on GitHub, but for anyone that only sees this, the app polls for status updates and each request is to a URL, which will perform a DNS request.



I have just received the SwitchBot Lock Pro with the hub mini - and I canā€™t get it into Homey. I have added the lock to the cloud in the SwitchBot app. When I try to add it in Homey - I login and is sent back to Homey but every time I just get this error: Invalid response code: 190.

I have tried to search the forum - and get that it maybe has something to do with some Oauth. When I go into app settings I see this: No OAuth2 Client Found

I have tried to uninstall the app restart Homey Pro 23 and so on - but nothing helps.

I have sent the logs from the app to the developer - but can anyone help me what to do? :slight_smile:

Some users have found that enabling developer mode in the SwitchBot app can fix that, but I have an outstanding request with SwitchBot about this.

Hey Adrian,

It worked - in the SwitchBot app I tapped the version number several times to get it into developer mode - and then tried to add it in Homey again - and now it worksā€¦ :slight_smile: Thanks! :slight_smile:

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Hallo Adrian,

Any information about the supprt or even ETA of a supoort of the switchbot waterleak sensor and the switchbot universal remote ??

Thank You.

I have just order a water leak sensor so will add support for that as soon as I have it.
I am still waiting for SwitchBot add some useful API functions for the remote and will add it as soon as it has something to offer.

Thank you for the very quck reply.

Iā€™m in particular very interested in 2 possible ā€œthenā€ functions that both can disables/shat down the sound of the alarm.
1 st : the possibilty to diasble the sound of any alarm before its even triggerd and the 2nd to shut down the (sound of the alarm) when an alarm is triggerd.

Because I would like to disable the sound of the alarm when nobody is at home or is asleep (and only send a notification)

And also to shutdown the (sound of the) alarm after a certain period of time without disabling the sound of the alarm in general.

So in 1) the alarm is set to silent in general and sny other time maybe with different levei of sound volume.

In 2) the (sound of the) slarm is shut down after a water leak is detected and an alarm has been triggered but its not set silent in general and will sound again anytime a water leak is detectrd again.

By the way: Iā€™m thinking to use at least one water leak sensor outside to detect rain.
If I place it in an enough steeply angle any rain drops should be gone quickly enough to
Make it in combination with the humidity of the SwitchBot outside sensor a quiet good rain sensor (to close my mortised roof windows and my sunshades.

Black Iphonitis rigorosa : level 15+


Is this remote supported as well with HP23

Iā€™m not sure reading the appstore text and supported devices.

Thanks :pray:

No. The API doesnt provide anything useful. No idea if it ever will, but if it does in the future I will add support.


So you can confirm that the lock pro is working with Homey? Thatā€™s nice. I received a broken one. So I hope to get a new one shortly. But nice to hear that it is compatible.

@Marcel_Visser - Yes it is working fineā€¦ :slight_smile:

@Adrian_Rockall - Is there a way in Homey to see how the door was locked? With the keypad or from the inside. I would like to turn on our alarm if the door is locked from the outside.? :slight_smile:

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Hey there,

I try to use @Adrian_Rockall s ESP32 code. But while trying to compile I get this error message:

In file included from /private/var/folders/w7/m3lx_0ns3tz2sg05tl50yhtc0000gn/T/.arduinoIDE-unsaved2024614-5575-s3poa8.u47j8/sketch_jul14a/SwitchBotBLEHub.ino:27:
/Users/dominic/Documents/Arduino/libraries/AsyncElegantOTA/src/AsyncElegantOTA.h:4:2: error: #error AsyncElegantOTA library is deprecated, Please consider migrating to newer ElegantOTA library which now comes with an async mode. Learn More: https:
    4 | #error AsyncElegantOTA library is deprecated, Please consider migrating to newer ElegantOTA library which now comes with an async mode. Learn More: https://docs.elegantota.pro/async-mode/
      |  ^~~~~
/Users/dominic/Documents/Arduino/libraries/AsyncElegantOTA/src/AsyncElegantOTA.h:18:14: fatal error: esp_int_wdt.h: No such file or directory
   18 |     #include "esp_int_wdt.h"
      |              ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
compilation terminated.
exit status 1

This is my first attempt to get in contact with a ESP32 - briefly I am doing something wrong - do you guys have a hint for me?

Sadly, no. That information is not passed across the API or webhook.

I presume you have installed all the required libraries as shown in steps 6 and 7?

I will have to fire up the app again and update the library as it has been a while since I looked at it (it has just been working on my ESP32ā€™s so not need to change anything), but the error only suggests updating the library.

Yes, all libraries are installed. I did a google search to this error and found this:

The Interrupt Watchdog API (functions/types/macros prefixed with esp_int_wdt_) 
has been made into a private API. Thus, the previous include path #include "esp_int_wdt.h" 
has been removed. If users still require usage of the Interrupt Watchdog API 
(though this is not recommended), it can be included via #include "esp_private/esp_int_wdt.h".

Whatever this does mean :wink: