[APP][Cloud & Pro] SwitchBot (Release 2.0.14, Test 2.0.17)

OK Stange…I am trying to solve an issue where Switchbot is not responding to any commands from homey (via hub).
At the point I was out of options i removed the Switchbot app and reinstalled it. After login I got the message above.

Regarding the functionality not working: When closing a curtain it see the following in the log:

  • 2024-06-06T12:07:05.295Z

  • Sending {
    “command”: “setPosition”,
    “parameter”: “0,0,0”,
    “commandType”: “command”
    } to DE120771BCE8 using OAuth

  • 2024-06-06T12:07:06.689Z

  • Success sending command to DE120771BCE8 using OAuth

It seems succesfull, but nothing is happening. It works fine from the switchbot app.

Does is work with the SwitchBot app if you turn off Bluetooth?
The SwitchBot app tries to connect directly via Bluetooth if it can and reverts back to WiFi if it can’t connect. So via the SwitchBot app, the phone might connect directly and not via the hub.

Ha…you’re right. Without bluetooth it was not working. I pulkled the plug from the hub for a few moments. Now it is working again.

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Is there any news on the 190 error code? After adding some curtain 3’s to my Hub I’m not able to add them to Homey. Even after removing a curtain 2 from Homey, which is connected to the hub, I’m not able to add them again. Only via Bluetooth, but when using that, there is a big delay.

I will chase it up again as not heard anything.

Thanks! Do you have any idea what can cause this behavior? Is there a change that is will work tomorrow? As it can have something to do with a limited api call per day?

I have no idea. The app does limit the calls to stay within the call limits and even if it did exceed the limits, it causes a different error.

I think it has something to do with the authentication.

I remembered that I had changed my password a while a go. I removed the app and installed it again so I had to sign in again. Than I see this;

I also send the log.

The Log and the message above indicate that you haven’t logged in successfully.
What authentication method do you use with SwitchBot (email, Google, etc)?

Hi, I’m using email.

@Adrian_Rockall what do You think about this new product: https://eu.switch-bot.com/pages/switchbot-universal-remote ?

Is it possible to add it to your app?

I have one coming to play with.


I dont know exactly what I did, but I generated an api in the Switchbot app and also tried it on my laptop instead of my phone. And after 3 times it worked. :man_shrugging:t3:

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I’ve just ordered two to play with. I’m curious to see if you can find a way to integrate them into the Switchbot app. I don’t think it will work with Matter at the moment.
If the remote control works with Homey that would be a real gamechanger!


That would be really cool indeed. Was looking at the haptique and the unfiltered 3 on Kickstarter, 300+ euros is not up to my taste, and you never know when support ends for those, after which they become expensive paper weights. At least the switch bot is affordable.

Would we need the hub or can we do without?

Not even sure if I can integrate it yet as there are no details in the API document. It does mention Mater support via a hub, so if that’s the only way to add it to Homey, then a hub would be required. However, that still depends on how it uses Mater and if Homey has support for the capabilities.

Oke. If you are ready with something to test, would be more than willing to buy one and test it out.


I will post here if I have any success once mine arrives.


Hi Adrian

I also ordered the remote. Happy to test when needed.



Is it possible to add an option to set the speed of the curtains in flows? It is allready possible in the advanced settings. But not with a flow.

EDIT: I found I can do it with scenes.