Yeah it’s the login screen from Switchbot, I know you don’t control that, but maybe there would be ways around it, for example, if they have multiple authentication servers etc.
Sent Switchbot a message as well, no response yet.
Just to be 100% sure (and have tried both), login is the e-mail and password that you use on the iOS Switchbot app right?
UPDATE Got it resolved, your comment about case sensitivity triggered me to just try different versions of the username, and one of them did work. Although in the Switchbot app my email doesn’t have any caps. So apparently the email is the app is changed to lowercase, even though the account in the database has uppercase letters?!
Hope this helps other users with the same issues too, @NGH
The class has no affect on the the controls as they are all defined by the capabilities. The app uses the windowcoverings_set capability which has the controls you see.
The available controls are shown in the developer documents Capabilities | Homey Apps SDK.
Aaaah I get it. Thanks. In that case, I will make feature request to Athom. I think it will be a lot more intuitive as a curtain can be controlled as a curtain.
Hi Adrian,
I have the ESP32-board (your 2nd advice) up and running with your latest bin-file loaded (method 2). Latest = downloaded on August 9.
It is working very good if it works …
It seems that the ESP32 crashes within a day after a reboot (power off - on). The curtains closes at night but never opens in the morning until I reset the board.
I did an OTA with you latest bin file but no improvements.
Is there someting I can do to overcome this problem?
I was thinking of adding a clock-switch for the power supply (5V-1A) which reboot the ESP32 board every 6 hours…
One of the the libraries is consuming memory, but I can’t see why.
The latest firmware should automatically reboot the ESP32 when the memory gets low, which only takes a few seconds, so it shouldn’t be noticeable.
I know, you wrote that earlier. In my case it doesn’t solve this. I have 2 other ESP32 dev modules loaded with your firmware and will fire them up. See what happens if one module crashes and the other(s) are still working. Keep you posted.
Oops, it seems I forgot to publish my last update. The one you have resets if a memory allocation fails, but that can be outside of my code (in a library), which stops the system running my loop.
My latest version checks if the largest free memory block is less than 20000 and then resets, which should mean it resets before a failure can occur.
The new binary is in GitHub now.
Well, I was too early with my statement. 22 hours after flashen the updated bin file the ESP32 DEVKITV1 stopped again.
When I try to open the webpage for that device it doesn’t open.
A 2nd ESP32-device is still visible for the webbrowser but the list of devices is empty.
Is there a way I can dump a log file for you to dig into?
The only way to get a log is to connect it to a computer with a terminal program running so you can capture the serial port output. But you need the connection to permanently monitor the output as it doesn’t store it anywhere.
I sent you a log file, generated by the SwitchBot app. The curtain “Werkkamer” was not going open. I did reset Homey Pro, netwerk router, restart the app: no result. You can see that Homey was in contact with the curtain but was not capable of opening the curtain.
Then I reset the ESP32 (version 2.1, which was still reachable by it’s IP-address and showed many SwitchBot devives) and BINGO, it worked.
There is still something wrong with your firmware for the ESP32 hub, I think.
Maybe not related: I also see more failed commands for 433 MHz stuff. This one-way KAKU stuff used to work rather reliable but since two week or so isn’t anymore.
Unforunately, neither upper nor lower case changed anything.
BUT: I deleted my account (you have to wait one day so it gets deleted) since I didn’t have many devices there anyways.
Now I recreated one through the window Homey opens to log in after clicking on the “plus” and selecting switchbot and a device.
At the bottom of this window, you can register a new account. Activated it and THEN, it worked although I had to reregister my devices then, of course.
Apparently, registering an account at switchbot website is NOT the same as registering an account through the Homey page. The switchbot app doesn’t care, but Homey-addon does!
Seems like they use different servers that are not neccessarily synced or whatever.
This is a known issue with the SwitchBot authentication system. I have reported it to SwitchBot several times but had no response.
The only solution is to create a new account with a username and password and transfer your devices to that.
Please complain to SwitchBot about it as maybe they will listen if enough user report it.