[APP][Cloud & Pro] SwitchBot (Release 1.1.51, Test 1.1.56)

I see I the log file that he sees my ble bot (based on MAC address - starts with D2:35….), but somehow he cant be added to homey… any ideas?

The app has to find the signature in the service data so it can recognise a Switchbot device. For some reason the returned data you have has no service data for any of your devices. I’m not sure if that’s an issue with Homey or just the environment.
I occasionally see returned data that has missing service data, but not often with the latest Homey firmware.

Hmm ok, so device is ok, but it’s probably my homey or homey settings? What do you recommend, contact homey?

If you go to https://tools.developer.homey.app/tools/ble and click on Discover Devices, you should see a list of all the BLE devices that your Homey finds. Look for the MAC address of your SwitchBot device and click on it. The right side panel should then show the details of the device and in there should be the Advertised service Data field. If that is consistently showing as [ ], then try sending a system Diagnostics report to Athom to see if they have any idea why it’s not finding the data.
Normally, that is a range issue, but you say the device is next to Homey, so that shouldn’t be the case. As part of the information shown for the device is the RSSI (signal strength) and if that is below -60 (0 = best and more negative is getting worse), it could indicate a hardware issue.

Here I am again :-). I just installed my new curtain rod3 and I have to say it’s awesome! Much more powerful than the older versions.

But I figured out I can’t add the device on BLE or HUB (also have hub2).

Is it planned to add these to the supported devices?
Let me know if you need some help on getting the data or something.


Could you try the test version of the app as it should be in there.

Ok, i was able to update + i now can add the HUB version. The BLE is not working / seeing the device.

The test version does support the v3 curtain v8a BLE, so I can only assume it is not in range.

It’s the same distance as my old one (1,5m). But it doesn’t seem to see the new curtain (did receive a firmware update today). So for now sticking to the hub version. Which is a bit slower than BLE was on the v2 actually…

Strange that it’s slower on the hub as I find generally it to be faster. Homey’s BLE can only be polled and is a bit clunky, whereas the hub provides feedback via Webbooks.

I just remembered that the Curtain 2 isn’t sending webhooks. This was reported to SwitchBot in May, but they can be very slow to respond. Maybe one day it will suddenly spring into life.

I must admit, I tend to use my ESP32 BLE hub all the time as it provides a very fast response and is reliable (most of the time).

Hi how can i install version 1.1.36? I have bought the curtain 3 and it cannot find it. I see i have the 1.1.35 installed


@ddebont you find the testversion to add /test behind the official url of the app.

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thanks its working now


do you have a chance to implement a auto reboot function for the ble proxy (esp) binary, please?

my esp32 goes offline after a while and reconnects never

I will take a look. Maybe I can make it reboot after 24 hours ir something.
Although, I’m not sure why it would stop as mine just keeps going, so I will look into that.

I do not know why exactly but lots of esp-projects have this problem… the awtrixlight project for example implemented a function of a timeout (a ping to a mqtt broker) and if no connection in 30 seconds, the esp does a automatic reboot

this could be fine for the switchbot ble / network hub, too :slight_smile:

Is it possible to add ‘light level’ values to the curtains?

I connected switchbot also via Home assistant(HA) via BLE and in HA there is also a value called light level (i think same as lux), i use that value often to determine how light it is at the window and i can decide if the curtains or shutters must be closed or open.

Sadly this value is not present using them directly in Homey, not via BLE but also bot when using them via the hub.

So is it possible to add this value, I think the data is present )otherwise I have no idea how HA dertermine this light level), if possible in the HUB version…

It’s not available via the hub, but I could add it to the BLE version. It’s not the same as Lux as it is only a value between 1 to 10 but it ca be used to gauge the light level.

OK, done. I’m not sure how well it works as I tried to expose one of my motors to different light levels but it always came back as one. I have double and treble checked and it is reading the documented bits, so I hope it is just my motors are too old.