Facebook Messenger
Have Homey send messages to your own preferred messenger service. You can add multiple services and numbers for everyone in your family.
You need to get a personal APIkey from callmebot.com before using the API. Keep this key secret so only you can send messages to yourself!
- Creat a Facebook Messenger apiKey
- Start a Facebook Messenger conversation with @api.callmebot. Or click here
- Send “create apikey” to @api.callmebot (using Facebook Messenger of course)
- The bot will answer you with your personal apikey.
- When you have the apiKey from CallMeBot, go directley into Homey
- Install this app on your Homey
- Go to add devices
- Provide your mobile number and apiKey (from CallMeBot). Click Next
Current features: 
- Send Text Messages
- Send Images
- Of course, you can put all available Homey tags in the text field and send snapshots/artworks via the dedicated image card.
- CallMeBot (creator of the apiKey)
- Robin de Gruijter
Supported Languages 
Apps made by @LRvdLinden
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