Ten years of Homey — Ask Me Anything 💬

Congratulations!!! :heart_eyes: :tada:

A few questions:

  • Camera stream support for Homey Pro 2023 in the near future
  • speaker_duration and speaker_position in UI :slight_smile:

Every company nowadays has an AI strategy, does Athom have that too? How cool would it be if Homey learns from the people in the house (when lights on and off, when heater on and off, when movement in which zone, etc.) and then gives suggestions for creating (or editing) flows for this.

Happy BD!
After 10 happy years I phased out 2 old MyFox/DIO1 single-direction Domotics, buying for villas: 2 HP23 systems with each 5 HBs to create their ZB mesh…and I can get neither of them to work reliably, so I am not happy yet.

  1. I bought dozens of Sonoff ZBMINIL2 devices to switch LEDs, Sockets, Connectors, and ElectroValves: many of them just stop after some weeks doing what they are programmed to do: manually they switch, but ZB signals get disconnected/broken: even with a HB at 2m distance and Wifi at 10m distance: how to fix, and what’s a reliable connector.

  2. Why are many ZB devices not recognised by the HP23, not even when Not using an APP to pick up the ZB signal: waste of time and effort to buy devices, test them, and then send them back.

  3. My Aqara Temp & Humidity sensor got out of range after removing an HB, and the dashboard doesn’t give an alert or error if it doesn’t receive an update after some time: it would be great to add such functionality.

  4. It would be great to get some kind of functionality in the HP23 with a ZB signal strength indicator for the HBs, and some indicator showing to which hub a device is connecting.

Thank you

I Miss Alex, when is he coming back on screen !, I don´t want some fancy Homey animation !,
I WANT ALEEEEEEEEEEX !! :heart::video_camera:

See ya at the Party Boyz and Girlz…

I agree, a “xiaomi hypermind” made by homey could be really cool!

Hello and Congratulations :clinking_glasses: !!

Is there a possibility of a new feature that I believe would be a huge selling point: the floor plan functionality?

If so, would it be possible to use the iPhone’s LiDAR to create the floor plan easily? (Controller 7.0 has this capability)

I think this feature would help sell a lot of Homeys :sweat_smile:

Thanks and keep up the good work!

Hi, will you creat an official app that will fully integrate Victron Energy’s CERBO GX without requrements for a com.victronenergy.vebus? Users that only has com.victronenergy.system etc. needs to have the ability to integrate Homey Pro with Victron GX-product line. Thanks for answering this “important topic” :slight_smile:

Can more capabilities, like windowcoverings_state, etc, record events in the device time line when they are operated just like Boolean capabilities do? For example Opened and Closed.


I currently have a shelly BLU Door Windo sensor directly connected to Homey Pro 2023 and it is working in my automation. The only thing is that there is a small delay of 2 to 3 secs, but appart that it is working for me.

What problems do you know Homey currently has with BLE? A more general way: I there a place where a list of the current limitations and problems can be found - versus versions and integrated embedded fixes.

Will you develop configurable dashboards for controlling SONOS and SPOTIFY without the need to create a lot’s of flows and virtual devices?

For boatlovers, will you develop glassbridge interface for SIMRAD navigation? Is there a way to connect NMEA-protokoll and units to Homey Pro if mounted in a BOAT? Yes, I have a Homey Pro in my boat working superfine with other zigbee, shelly and sonos devices :slight_smile:

With the new Homey you made Speech unavailable by removing the loudspeaker, you made it impossible to adjust the LED ring. Before you removed NFC from earlier Homey.

But you don’t give any suggestions , when I buy a new Homey, what the alternatives are for the lost functionality.


Will you be supporting more languages, Finnish for example?

Congratulations with the 10 years!

My issue over all the years: when you address multiple Hue lamps at the same time in the advanced flows. You see that some lamps don’t follow the commands.

When will you solve this problem? Now I have to add delays in the flows to solve it.

I think it should be solved by the software itself. Since you get feedback from the lamps what the status is. You should check in the background if the send command is actually executed or not and correct it is not correctly applied.

Kind regards

Why can’t Homey Pro learn remote control commands anymore? Is this something that will be available in the future?

That will not change without hardware change but in the meantime, there are crazy cheap Broadlink devices like RM3 Mini that would serve you well I guess

Thank you for answering this question during the live feed.

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@Emile The AMA was more of an interview and MANY questions were not answered. May I request that some of the questions posted here are still answered, even if it is in a scripted video recording? Thanks!


100% agree, I think calling it an AMA when you barely answer any questions from the community is really a stretch…