Request custom picker for Advanced Virtual Devices from the Device Capabilities App

How to request a custom picker?

Please do not leave any likes to these requests, i’ll use the like to mark if it’s done!).
You can like this Topic tho :wink:

To request a custom picker/list for the Advanced Virtual Devices from the Device Capabilities App, please leave a post on this topic, in the below given format and make sure to place it in a preformatted-text (image)!

Please note: You can also request a ternary (3 buttons exactly), but you need to make that very clear!
This is only usefull so you have the correct values in the ternary, the 3 buttons are always the same :wink:

After i have added it to the App, i’ll leave a like, which will mean it in in Test !
Each new picker has to go through the App submition validation.

You need to deliver the next, based on your needs ofc, in EN, NL and DE:
And you need

    "title": {
      "en": "Schedule, Until, Manual, Off Until, Off"
    "values": [
        "id": "smartschedule",
        "title": {
          "en": "Follow Smart Schedule",
          "nl": "Volg slim schema",
          "de": "Dem intelligenten Zeitplan folgen"
        "id": "untilnextblock",
        "title": {
          "en": "Until next time block",
          "nl": "Tot aan volgend tijdsblok",
          "de": "Bis zum nächsten Zeitblock"
        "id": "manual",
        "title": {
          "en": "Manual",
          "nl": "Handmatig",
          "de": "Manuell"
        "id": "offuntilnextblock",
        "title": {
          "en": "Off until next time block",
          "nl": "Uit tot aan volgend tijdsblok",
          "de": "Aus bis zum nächsten Zeitblock"
        "id": "off",
        "title": {
          "en": "Off",
          "nl": "Uit",
          "de": "Aus"
1 Like

[reserved 1]

[reserved 2]


"title": {
      "en": "automatic, always-on"
    "values": [
        "id": "automatic",
        "title": {
          "en": "Automatic",
          "nl": "Automatisch",
          "de": "Automatisch"
        "id": "always-on",
        "title": {
          "en": "Always on",
          "nl": "Altijd aan",
          "de": "Dauerhaft aktiviert"

Ready (i cannot like my own post ofc).

1 Like


"title": {
      "en": "Open, Stop, Close"
    "values": [
        "id": "open",
        "title": {
          "en": "Open",
          "nl": "Open",
          "de": "Öffnen"
        "id": "stop",
        "title": {
          "en": "Stop",
          "nl": "Stop",
          "de": "Stop"
        "id": "close",
        "title": {
          "en": "Close",
          "nl": "Dicht",
          "de": "Schließen"

Ready (i cannot like my own post ofc).

	"title": {
		"en": "Off, Running, Finished (Not emptied), Finished"
	"values": [{
			"id": "off",
			"title": {
				"en": "Off",
				"no": "Av",
				"nl": "Uit",
				"de": "Aus"
		}, {
			"id": "running",
			"title": {
				"en": "Running",
				"no": "Kjører",
				"nl": "Rennen",
				"de": "Betrieb"
		}, {
			"id": "finished_not_emptied",
			"title": {
				"en": "Finished (Not emptied)",
				"no": "Fullført (Ikke tømt)",
				"nl": "Afgewerkt (Niet geleegd)",
				"de": "Fertig (Nicht geleert)"
		}, {
			"id": "finished",
			"title": {
				"en": "Finished",
				"no": "Fullført",
				"nl": "Afgewerkt",
				"de": "Fertig"
1 Like

	"title": {
		"en": "Present, Away, Coming Soon"
	"values": [{
			"id": "present",
			"title": {
				"en": "Present",
				"no": "Tilstede",
				"nl": "Aanwezig",
				"de": "Vorhanden"
		}, {
			"id": "away",
			"title": {
				"en": "Away",
				"no": "Borte",
				"nl": "Weg",
				"de": "Weg"
		}, {
			"id": "comingsoon",
			"title": {
				"en": "Coming Soon",
				"no": "Kommer Snart",
				"nl": "Komt Binnenkort",
				"de": "Kommt Bald"

1 Like
"title": {
		"en": "Home, Away, Sleep, Vacation"
	"values": [{
			"id": "Home",
			"title": {
				"en": "Home",
				"nl": "Thuis",
				"de": "Zu Hause"
		}, {
			"id": "Away",
			"title": {
				"en": "Away",
				"nl": "Afwezig",
				"de": "Abwesend"
		}, {
			"id": "Sleep",
			"title": {
				"en": "Sleep",
				"nl": "Slapen",
				"de": "Schlafen"
		}, {
			"id": "Vacation",
			"title": {
				"en": "Vacation",
				"nl": "Vakantie",
				"de": "Feiertage"
1 Like
"title": {
      "en": "Bright, Regular, Mood, Colour, TV, Cinema"
    "values": [
        "id": "bright",
        "title": {
          "en": "BRIGHT",
          "nl": "HELDER",
          "de": "HELL"
        "id": "regular",
        "title": {
          "en": "REGULAR",
          "nl": "NORMAAL",
          "de": "NORMAL"
        "id": "mood",
        "title": {
          "en": "MOOD",
          "nl": "SFEER",
          "de": "STIMMUNG"
        "id": "colour",
        "title": {
          "en": "COLOUR",
          "nl": "KLEUR",
          "de": "BUNT"
        "id": "tv",
        "title": {
          "en": "TV",
          "nl": "TV",
          "de": "TV"
        "id": "cinema",
        "title": {
          "en": "CINEMA",
          "nl": "BIOS",
          "de": "KINO"
1 Like

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: [APP][Pro] Advanced Virtual Device (Device Capabilities App) with Unique Text Status Indicator

"title": {
      "en": "Automatic, Manual, Off"
    "values": [
        "id": "Automatic",
        "title": {
          "en": "Automatic",
          "nl": "Automatisch",
          "de": "Automatisch"
        "id": "Manual",
        "title": {
          "en": "Manual",
          "nl": "Handmatig",
          "de": "Manuell"
        "id": "Off",
        "title": {
          "en": "Off",
          "nl": "Uit",
          "de": "Aus"
1 Like
"title": {
      "en": "Bright, Regular, Mood, Night"
    "values": [
        "id": "bright",
        "title": {
          "en": "BRIGHT",
          "nl": "HELDER",
          "de": "HELL"
        "id": "regular",
        "title": {
          "en": "REGULAR",
          "nl": "NORMAAL",
          "de": "NORMAL"
        "id": "mood",
        "title": {
          "en": "MOOD",
          "nl": "SFEER",
          "de": "STIMMUNG"
        "id": "night",
        "title": {
          "en": "NIGHT",
          "nl": "NACHT",
          "de": "NACHT"
1 Like
"title": {
      "en": "EV Charge, Compressor, Machines, Workbench"
    "values": [
        "id": "ev charge",
        "title": {
          "en": "EV charge",
          "nl": "EV laden",
          "de": "BEV laden"
        "id": "compressor",
        "title": {
          "en": "COMPRESSOR",
          "nl": "COMPRESSOR",
          "de": "KOMPRESSOR"
        "id": "machines",
        "title": {
          "en": "MACHINES",
          "nl": "MACHINES",
          "de": "MACHINES"
        "id": "workbench",
        "title": {
          "en": "WORKBENCH",
          "nl": "WERKBANK",
          "de": "WERKBANK"
1 Like
"title": {
      "en": "Radio Stations"
    "values": [
        "id": "Arrow Classic Rock",
        "title": {
          "en": "Arrow Classic Rock",
          "nl": "Arrow Classic Rock",
          "de": "Arrow Classic Rock"
        "id": "NPO Radio 2",
        "title": {
          "en": "NPO Radio 2",
          "nl": "NPO Radio 2",
          "de": "NPO Radio 2"
        "id": "NPO Radio 3",
        "title": {
          "en": "NPO Radio 3",
          "nl": "NPO Radio 3",
          "de": "NPO Radio 3"
        "id": "Qmusic",
        "title": {
          "en": "Qmusic",
          "nl": "Qmusic",
          "de": "Qmusic"
        "id": "Radio 538",
        "title": {
          "en": "Radio 538",
          "nl": "Radio 538",
          "de": "Radio 538"
        "id": "Radio Veronica",
        "title": {
          "en": "Radio Veronica",
          "nl": "Radio Veronica",
          "de": "Radio Veronica"
        "id": "Sky Radio",
        "title": {
          "en": "Sky Radio",
          "nl": "Sky Radio",
          "de": "Sky Radio"

EDIT 3/10:

Forgot to add “Manual”, added it now!

"title": {
		"en": "Automatic, Heating, Cooling, Manual, Off"
	"values": [{
			"id": "Automatic",
			"title": {
				"en": "Automatic",
				"no": "Automatisk",
				"nl": "Automatisch",
				"de": "Automatisch"
		}, {
			"id": "Heating",
			"title": {
				"en": "Heating",
				"no": "Varme",
				"nl": "Verwarming",
				"de": "Heizung"
		}, {
			"id": "Cooling",
			"title": {
				"en": "Cooling",
				"no": "Kjøling",
				"nl": "Koeling",
				"de": "Kühlung"
		}, {
			"id": "Manual",
			"title": {
				"en": "Manual",
				"no": "Manuell",
				"nl": "Handmatig",
				"de": "Handbuch"
		}, {
			"id": "Off",
			"title": {
				"en": "Off",
				"no": "Av",
				"nl": "Uit",
				"de": "Aus"


Hi Arie, did you miss this? Or are you busy?

I didn’t miss it, but the updated version of DC still contains bugs, so i cannot just put this one in. I’ll have to fix DC first, i’ll continue end of this week and the next week, i’ll finally have some real time then again.

1 Like

Please add this one, used for a dehumidifier (raw device via Tuya)

"title": {
		"en": "Manual, Laundry Drying, Sleeping"
	"values": [{
			"id": "Manual",
			"title": {
				"en": "Manual",
				"no": "Manuell",
				"nl": "Handmatig",
				"de": "Handbetrieb"
		}, {
			"id": "Laundry Drying",
			"title": {
				"en": "Laundry Drying",
				"no": "Tørking av tøy",
				"nl": "Wasdrogen",
				"de": "Wäschetrocknung"
		}, {
			"id": "Sleeping",
			"title": {
				"en": "Sleeping",
				"no": "Sove modus",
				"nl": "Slaapstand",
				"de": "Schlafmodus"

"title": {
		"en": "Home, Away, Sleep, Vacation"
	"values": [{
			"id": "Home",
			"title": {
				"en": "Home",
				"nl": "Thuis",
				"de": "Zu Hause"
				"no": "Hjemme"
		}, {
			"id": "Away",
			"title": {
				"en": "Away",
				"nl": "Afwezig",
				"de": "Abwesend"
				"no": "Borte"
		}, {
			"id": "Sleep",
			"title": {
				"en": "Sleep",
				"nl": "Slapen",
				"de": "Schlafen"
				"no": "Sove"
		}, {
			"id": "Vacation",
			"title": {
				"en": "Vacation",
				"nl": "Vakantie",
				"de": "Feiertage"
				"no": "Ferie"

Please add this one, controlling a fan for ventilation.
I hope my translation is acceptable :slight_smile:

EDIT: typo

title”: {
“en”: “Step 1, Step 2, Step 3”
“values”: [{
“id”: “Step 1”,
“title”: {
“en”: “Step 1”,
“no”: “Trinn 1”,
“nl”: “Stap 1”,
“de”: “Schritt 1”
}, {
“id”: “Step 2”,
“title”: {
“en”: “Step 2”,
“no”: “Trinn 2”,
“nl”: “Stap 2”,
“de”: “Schritt 2”
}, {
“id”: “Step 3”,
“title”: {
“en”: “Step 3”,
“no”: “Trinn 3”,
“nl”: “Stap 3”,
“de”: “Schritt 3”