[Modding] Various Homey Pro (Early 2023) Modification suggestions

Small update, installed the PWM regulator, previously suggested by @spkesDE :+1: and it works very nicely.
Finally I have no chainsaw in my HP23 :wink:

I just de-solders all connectors from regulator, to keep it tiny. If you will replicate my setup follow the wire colors (I believe it would be not compatible just by connecting directly to the connector.

Also how to setup that PWM regulator, is very nicely described here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBcCFYZhU_0

I will not post the temps now because :

  • I keep running on lower maximum RPM
  • I’m running crappy RC9 :wink:

Yeah and one more thing - I placed controller over the antennas for US market (because it’s not used in EU)


Thanks, here is the minimalist version :wink: It’s hollow, just 42min print.



Today I took the plunge and opened my homey.

Now I have another cooling pad and 8GB of memory


But how did you go from 1.6 GB before to 2.2GB after?
Or does this have to do with an (automatically?) increased swap size?

Now that I have more memory, I immediately installed some extra apps.


Another cooling block as mentioned before without grinding off the fins.

Temperature is now 11 degrees lower.


Curious about what the temperature is now and how much load, I updated mine too, similar way (replaced cm4, cooling pads and cooler), and it’s lots cooler indeed.

Here are my stats now (ledring off)

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Hello, which radiator did you use?

Where can we buy this one?

I used this one, but have a good look, as other members pointed out it might cover the WIFI. Personally I have no issues with it, but I have multiple AP’s. Also I did replace the thermalpads too.

Heatsink (pick the 11mm!!) https://a.aliexpress.com/_EJbVdR9
Thermalpads: https://a.aliexpress.com/_EJ1sCD9 (I use the 1mm and the 3mm), and you only need small amounts, so these pads are maybe overkill when it comes to size, pretty sure you can find smaller and therefor cheaper ones with the same specs.

Shoppinglist thanks to @Ranney :+1:

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Thank you very much for your answer

A post was split to a new topic: [Modding] Various Homey Pro (Early 2016-2019) Modification suggestions

Hello Homey Pro 2023 Since the region where I am located is very hot in summer, the temperature of the Homey pro was reaching about 60-65 degrees. I thought of installing a fan to reduce the temperature and I wanted to share the method I did.


On printables.com, there is a model “Homey pro 2023 40mm fan cover”

I don’t know how to create 3D objects, but maybe someone could create a perfect model here with an internal fan.

I just connected my HP2023 (purchased officially and never modded) to the computer and mounted the drive using rpiboot.
Raspberry Pi imager shows that I have 32GB emmc :slight_smile:

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