How did you make your homey know when u are awake?

Withings Sleep Mat is absolutely rock solid for determining when your in asleep.

One of the best buys I have made

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this is nice solution but expensive one…

what information u get from it in your homey ? can u print screen ?

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And this is?

The Screenshots @Oren_Malki asked for. Or at least I hope so :slightly_smiling_face:
This is what I get from the Withings App inside Homey.


Ah the sleep mat. Cool! Doesn’t the app get updated anymore? The images seem to not be working.

Yes it exactly what i hoped to see
Now i need to buy 2 like this :smiley:

Careful, the withings app will not work for two people.

What do u mean? I cant use 2 of this for me and the wife?

The way the withings app works is that you add a withings ‘user’ each withings user consists of all the stats for a ‘user’, wights, temp, blood pressure and their sleep map.

The problem with the app, oddly is you can only be connected to one account if you try and add the second it will just try add devices from the first.

I imagine that you try and add the second sleeping mat to the same user, but it does kill a lot of the uses of the actual withings mobile app.

I put in a support ticket for broken icons last year, but it still hasnt been updated, I dont think this is a high priority app.

That all said, the sleeping mat is perhaps my most useful smart item in my house.

wait im not sure i get it
u cant add 2 of them into homey?
even if i create seperete user on seperet phones?

You can probably avoid the problem with 2 sleeping mats by using IFTTT.

Can you make more advanced flows?
Like detecting when you are in REM sleep, and to delay the alarm going of…?
SOmething like that…

Tried this, but can’t get it to work.
I have an inductive charging station for my phone. I connected it to a wall plug and at first sight it works. If it’s charging, it consumes energy and if I take it off the station, consumption drops to zero.

However, there is one big problem. If it’s fully charged during the night, the consumption also drops to zero. From this point on, there is a cycle of charging and non-charging periods.

I was hoping that, as long as the phone is mounted on the station, there would be at least a small consistent consumption, but there’s nothing, unless it’s actively charging. So maybe my loading station is too good, or the wall plug is not very precise.

Didn’t you have the problem? And if you did, how did you solve it? Thanks.

I just tell my Google Hub it is time to sleep (activates also some music to play to fall asleep) and in the morning I say Goodmorning :slight_smile:


If google home workks, I do the same. Two flows: good morning and good night as favorite. Can also start them on my dashboard.

I guess the problem depends on the used smartphone. I have an iPhone 12 Pro Max, use also an and inductive charging station and the phone uses still approximately 2.3 - 2.5 Watt if it’s fully charged. This is the insights graph of last night:

This is how it looks for me, with a Samsung Galaxy S21. After the initial charging phase, I have these spikes with drops to zero in between. Which is weird because the station has a LED which is only active, if a phone is placed on it. Surely, such a LED doesn’t need much power, but definitely more than zero.

Anyway, can’t create a flow with this data. Maybe I just try it with “Alexa, Good Morning”^^

The precision and measurement of the power values also depends on the smart plug itself. Some smart plugs have the option of changing these parameters in the settings. The Fibaro Wall Plug I use measures the power values and the change in power very accurately and with a short interval.
Maybe you can adjust some parameters of the smart plug or use another one.

Never used Android smartphones, but afaik there are some features and/or apps like Tasker for Android Smartphones that allow you to trigger an action when the smartphone starts/stops charging. E.g. if charging starts, start a Homey flow or send a Webhook to Homey.
The flow must then created in such a way, that you need to use some condition flow card (And…) like, “Riddler is at home” and “The time is between 21:30 - 23:00”, and so on, to prevent that the smart plug is switched on when you charge your smartphone at 12:00 o’clock in the car.
Just another idea.

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