HomeyScript looking for testers

Thanks @Jero - but that doesn’t work:

I guess the correct way of doing it is like this (at least when you have dots in the capability):

carChargingCostTotalKr = device1.capabilitiesObj['measure_devicecapabilities_number-custom_35.number1'].value;

Ah yes ofcourse.

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Hi Jeroen,

My eye caught this part of a manual below;
I know it’s not Homeyscript, but shouldn’t this info also have to be refreshed?
(No clue tbh)


No why? That has nothing to do with homey-api.

Cool, yeah that was the no clue part on my side. I creep back in my cave :hut::rofl:
I really don’t understand why Athom uses, and likes to use, different commands in one Homey. App != Homeyscript =! Web API playground.
(Just a thought, not a question!)