[Requests] Homey Pro Community App Requests

What is/are the device(s)/service for type:
home + control for Legrand devices ( Energy Meter, Light, Roller Shutter, Scene, Socket, Thermostat smarther)

  • Bridge for …
  • etc.

What kind of category/signal(s) would the app use:

  • Zigbee;
  • IP (Local/Cloud/WiFi);

Is there an (public) API / documentation / manual(s) or known (other) implementations (like Blogs/Github etc)?

Are you willing to loan or donate to a developer?

  • Yes, donate money 25 €

Extra information:

YCH Control App for Homey | Homey (Abandoned app, hasn’t been updated in over a year)
or you can
Netatmo App for Homey | Homey because as far as I know, you can shoot both netatmo and legrand devices in one way with a single API. But i am not sure.