Developer Web API Playground - Notes of geeky oneliners

Check if your Apps are SDK 2 and if they have Updates available

// Search and display app SDk version. 3 is OK, 2 is deprecated
Homey.apps.getApps().then(f => Object.values(f).reduce((r,b)=>Object.assign(r,b.sdk == 2 ? {[]:b.updateAvailable} : ''), {}));

// Some other simple one-liners
// Get All installed Apps with versions
Homey.apps.getApps().then(f => Object.values(f).reduce((r,b)=>Object.assign(r, {[]:b.version}), {}));

// Get Available Updates for Apps in AppStore
Homey.apps.getApps().then(f => Object.values(f).reduce((r,b)=>Object.assign(r, {[]:b.updateAvailable}), {}));

// Get list Apps on SDK 2 list disabled
Homey.apps.getApps().then(f => Object.values(f).reduce((r,b)=>Object.assign(r, b.sdk === 2 ? {[]:b.sdk} : '' ), {}));