Detect car is at Home, using Tessie

I need to use my Tesla’s location for some Flows.
But i cant see a way to let Homey know when the car is home.
Tessie supports lattitude and longitude, but only one can be selected in ‘When’, can’t select one of them as an ‘and’ option. Only ‘and’ option availeble is ‘Car charge state’.
So how to trigger when the Car is at my home address.
Would very much like NOT TO use Smart precense and detect it using its IP adress on the home network. It is not stable, when the car sleeps.

i am a Tessie Premium user.

Do both in parallel and use and/all function to check if the car is on the long and lat.

But i cannot select any longitude or latitude, when using the ‘and’ option.

Great. did not know that ‘ALL’ option.

Just don’t do like the example flow, 2 trigger cards will never validate at the same time, so the ALL card is never going continue.
You probably need to use logic AND cards to validate the values.

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they should fire it they happen within 30 sec right?

If not, then put the log or lat in a variable (when it changes, update the variable with the new value), and use that for the and card

Nope, they will trigger different instance for the flow run.

I checked, and indeed you are right. Better to put it in a variable and use the and condition in the variable to check for both log and lat.

I have made this. Will have to see if it work, when i arrive home later today
If it works, i could possible remove the upper left part and let the ‘Logic’ just check the ‘breddegrad & længdegrad’ tags directly.