Button + (Release 0.7.17, Test 0.7.17)

Oh, didn’t know that. Is that a new rule? My configuration always worked, before I updated it :pensive:

Not a new rule, its always been like that. I did ask Athom if it would be possible to provide a permission for that, but it fell on deaf ears and I got no official reply.

The buttons will respond to variable changes but it can’t make a change. Strange thing is there is an API call for it, but it just doesn’t work.

So I found the fix for my problem. Before the update, everytime when I press left 1 or right on the display the pages/ label text changes for that page. After the update it was still working, BUT after a few seconds the label text disappeared after the press. Now I make a 1 second delay in the configuration, by the variables and it worked :smiley: no idea why, but I think there is something wrong with the B+ firmware 2.0 what can’t handle fast label text changes anymore (?)

So, are you using a Flow to trigger on the button press and that changes the display to a new configuration?
One thing with v2 is it performs a restart after a configuration change, so that could explain why you need a delay now. I spent sometime on v1 firmware to eliminate that, but it seems Ronald reverted to old ways on v2 due to the extra complexities. I have mentioned this to Ronald and he agrees that it’s not ideal, so he will look into it later.

The right/left button on the display flip the page 1/2 variable (yes/no) and that variable refresh the right actions in the homey configuration, it’s a complex setup, but it works. It will be nice if Ronald can fix it, but at the moment it also works, with a small refresh delay.

Just noticed … while using flows to make the button+ switch automatically to the page that might be of interest (like going to the page with lightswitches after sunset or going to music-control page when music started playing). The ‘then’ flow card for setting the page to a certain index needs to be one number higher than the page you want to display.

So flow card id 4 results in page 3

No big deal of course.

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I used the ‘when button released’ trigger to work around this. Had some endless loop issues when using ‘when switched on’ (probably due to my flowstructure). I’m not sure but I think that is the only trigger where you’re sure it only triggers by a push on the button and not by a change of the corresponding var.
When button x on connector y got released => toggle var
When var changes => do your thing

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On 7.14 and fw2, an app reinstall, recreated devices (so, a clean start) i still have the grayed out right button or both buttons if i use none as device. I was hoping that something broke my old configuration, but on a bare minimum the problem stays.

I also tried things on my second b+, but the same thing happens on that one. So hardware seems to be ruled out.

This all using the page functionality on both display and buttons. By the way the default button ‘page’ is not used.

If i use ‘none’ as device … the button+ doens’t seem to get any config for that buttonID. Maybe a virtual switch can help here?

I can’t seem to replicate that. I have used ‘none’ for a couple of buttons and they are working as expected. When I press the button the text and led toggle and a Flow is triggered.

I have used a configuration that was sent to me and I could replicate the issue with the device set to ‘None’, so I have published a new test version that fixes that issue. I’m not sure if it fixes all of those cases, but it fixes the one in the configuration that was sent to me and I am hopeful that it knocks that general issue on the head.

Whooohahh! Buttons are back again. I also restored my old configuration so 7.15 and FW 2 are working again for me.

Many thanks. Two drinks are on their way, one for you and one for your wife (she might need it more in her condition :mending_heart:).

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@Adrian_Rockall this last update did solve half of my problem (connector 4 configuration not working). Now the left button shows the correct labels and is working. However the right button is stil not configurable. It shows the default labels and doesn’t respond to button press.

Could you apply your “fix” also to the right button? :blush:

What I observe is that when I do a reset or power cycle of the button+ device, al labels of the working buttons show Btn_# (with underscore) and bottom right (not working button) shows Btn 7 (without underscore)……

Could you export your configuration and send it to me so I can check it out.

See DM,
I also did observe that if I assign the button configuration (originally assigned to connector 4) to connector 2 or 3, button 3 and 5 trigger the same action that is assigned to button 7 at that moment. Is that a bug that came into my config due to the upgrades to new app version?

So … v 0.7.15 also fixed this behaviour i was experiencing . No need to wipe empty page 0 button configs on the device itself after configuration changes :tada:

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It sounds like it might be ready to go live, so I will just give it a couple more days to see if anything other issues arise.

Thanks everyone for testing and your patience while going through a few iterations.


Ah, went live. Now my button panels go blank.

I restart the Button+ from the reset button and it briefly shiws the correct info. Then again the firmware I currently have on them is quite old 1.13.2.

Hmm, I tested with 1.13.3 and 2.0.0.
Maybe try opening the configuration pages and save the configuration (make a backup first). Try restarting the app.
If they don’t help then update to one of the versions mentioned above.
If that doesn’t help then could you email me the configuration.

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Same issue here. FW 2.0 app version 0.7.15, all button bars are blank. Restarting or reloading config does not solve the issue.