The Virtual Devices App has just been transfered to me by @Arie_Laxed
That means:
- It will be updated to SDK3.
- Sourcecode will me moved over to BitBucket where a new issue/support-ticket-system wil be started.
I will (try to) work through the current issue list from GitHub, after SDK3 is done. - Sharing of Code, Icons, etc between the Advanced Virtual Devices from Device Capabilities App and the Virtual Devices App
- Integration into Share Your Device and The Flow Exchange(r)
- Now that the sourceode and VD app is in my control, i want to add a feature, based on the AVD’s:
- The ability to change a custom device icon after creation.
Any VD with a custom icon that was uploaded while creating the VD, can be altered after creation, just like with the AVDs.
Unfortuantly, this cannot be done with items picked from the default icons during device creation.
I might change this for new VDs in the same way as with AVDs: wether you pick one from the defaults or upload a custom icon, you will be able to change it after creation.
- The ability to change a custom device icon after creation.
- (Possibly) a Integration or Migration tool between AVD and VD’s.
Like @Arie_Laxed says in this Main Topic Post: The VD sourceode is ‘outdated’ and perhaps the VD app should be refreshed. He advices to create several, more specific Apps.
But that has already been done:
The Advanced Virtual Devices from the Device Capabilities App is a fully customisable virtual device, which you can complete configure yourself.
While the VD app is, in it’s core, more focused on Default “Athom” capabilities and extending those features.
That means that some users with VDs might be better surved with AVDs and vice versa.
And since the AVD (DC App) has the functionalities of the Share Your Device! - Advanced Virtual Devices from Device Capabilities - Apps (SYD) and the The Flow Exchange(r) - Exchange Your Flows with Others! (TFE), there might be some excellent ways the apps can work together, synchronise and/or migrate between them.
Well this is just a start, currently i am starting of with setting up the develop environment, sourcecontrol, stuff like that. Then i’ll work on SDK3.