(Ik heb zo’n vermoeden dat jouw keteltje ook reeds een HA hangt?)
Ik had dus de HA omleidings-URl er reeds staan, en heb dit nu vervolledigd met de Homey URl
Vervolgens alles netjes ingevuld in Homey (Client ID veranderde niet na het toevoegen van de extra URl):
Wanneer ik inderdaad opnieuw naar de instellingen ga, is mijn key verdwenen
Wanneer ik deze opnieuw ingeef is de foutmelding: “Request failed with status code 200”
Of, ik krijg een melding dat ik mijn credentials moet ingeven, terwijl ze er toch netjes staan:
Mijn ingegeven gebruikersnaam en wachtwoord komen uiteraard volledig overeen met deze van het Viessmann dev-portaal. Het lijkt mij dus dat mijn wachtwoord niet wordt opgeslagen (door Homey?).
Mijn ketel zit in niet in HA, maar op zich maakt dat niet uit volgens mij. Je kan meerdere redirect URIs instellen, en dat lijkt ook te werken. Op het moment dat je op “Save” drukt, gaat hij een API call testen, als die API call faalt krijgt je eerst een foutmelding en niet de melding “Saved!”.
Aangezien er in jouw geval “Saved!” staat, gok ik dat hij het wel heeft opgeslagen.
Het klopt dat de 2de keer je het scherm opent het wachtwoord verdwenen is, dat is bewust gedaan voor beveiligingsredenen. Anders zou je je ingesteld wachtwoord makkelijk kunnen terug achterhalen.
Ik heb een wijziging in de code gepushed waardoor hij gaat zeggen wat hij niet vindt: de client ID, de username of het wachtwoord. Kan je mss nogmaals proberen?
Eventueel kan je ook eens via de debugging tools van je browser (F12) kijken als je op save drukt, misschien dat er één of andere fout uitkomt daar?
I managed to handle the difference between our two types of boilers. Appearantly I have a Vitodens 200 from 2016, and you have a Vitodens 200 of type Generation E3. These have a few minor differences which I handled in the current version. When adding a device you now can choose between both models.
Be aware that this will break any boiler which might work. For people who don’t fit in these categories, please submit the installations.json and features.json file towards me, preferably in a private message or by email, since it contains your address information. If you want you can clear out your address information from it inside the JSON file, that is not important for enabling your device.
There was still a bug in a wrong check here. The password was wrongly checked. Could you try again and see what it gives now?
I hope with these changes we are one step closer to a first publication in the Homey Store so that more people can start testing.
Initially I want to provide basic support for the boilers (including hot water)
In a later stage, I want to consider adding room specific sensors, but this will need support from you guys as my system doesn’t allow that.
I try to get your comments / bugs solved as soon as possible, but I don’t have time every day of the week to work on this.
great work. It seems to work, I get the informations from the boiler (outdoor temperature, hotwater temperature, circulation pump etc.) and I can set the roomtemperatur of the main heat circuit (which I don’t use since ViCare Smart Climate thermostats are fully equipped).
But for now I can try and see what is possible with the data I got in Homey thanks to you.
When I can give you assistance regarding the room specific sensors, please ask.
I’ve expanded the features.json in the settings to retrieve it for all devices, that is something I need to be able to expand support for your other room devices.
Could you provide me the new features.json? The installations.json is not needed, that was not changed.
I don’t have a direct clue what is happening, as it seems that it does not want to save the values properly… They are valid, because otherwise you would not get the “saved” message. However for some obscure reason they are not saved.
I do notice however that you have 3 device classes, while the app only provides two.
Could you remove the app completely and maybe do a fresh checkout of the Git repository and try again?
I do believe, however, the app version didn’t change!? Current version : 0.1.0
On Gitlab, I cannot find the supposed version number; can you please confirm?
I submitted the app, but it was rejected since I don’t meet the brand guidelines. I don’t have graphical images as they request …
Sadly I’m not a graphical designer … If someone could help me out feel free.
For now, I cannot submit the app again for more people to test. Sorry for that, wanted to help more people out and I understand brand guidelines must exist, but I expected a bit more support from Homey to have a good community
I am also not a graphical designer, but I will try to help. Can you specify which graphics/icons don’t fit the guidelines? I think it must be the drivers icons which aren’t as they requested, right?
By the way, the Vitodens 200-W (Generation E3) I added two weeks ago isn’t showing any values anymore. A message says Gerät nicht verfügbar (Device not available) "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘value’).
But in the insights the values are logged without any issue.
I just installed the newest version of your app via github and re-added the boiler… but the issue (Device not available) persists.
As soon as I find out how to create svg-files I will send you a message.
I managed to get some basic images / icons and resubmitted the app.
I’ve also done some changes on saving the settings, since I managed to receive the same error as @Jan_Peeters, and after these changes it works again with me.
And it works! Nice Work, well done!
It seems though my HomeAssistant (HA) integration interferes with the Homey integration.
When deactivated in HA and the Homey entity added again : it works!
It’s a GO for Viessmann 222-W with a B2LB controller!
It would be nice to have the reduced temperature as a setpoint as well…
Probably: vscotho1_200_11_reduced_temperature
But I cannot find this in the available Homey parameters.
It is available in HA though…
Thanks for the feedback. I’ve made some changes upon your feedback:
Burner statistics are now supported.
We can now properly define the day, night and comfort temperatures. Only downside for now is that you have to change it for the correct active program. Not sure how to make this more user-friendly.
The flows for the different target temperatures are now supported as actions. I didn’t define triggers for it, if needed this can be done.
The icons should be fixed.
Status Indicator, nice suggestion, what would you like to see here as possibilities?
You can always buy me a beer, but maybe wait until we are further in the progress with the app?
Cool, installed but bumped into the below message.
Until 00h00 the api is unavailable. I will deactivate HA to make sure I only use your app.
(Already way better than what achieved by the HA community anyway…)
I will report back tomorrow.
1.450 calls per day = 1 call per minute a day.
So no use in maintaining two parallel systems up and running on the free api.
Icons are fixed indeed, current possibilities of the status indicator will work just fine by me.
I might change my mind once the app is fully functional though.
Use and usability of “day, night and comfort temperatures.”
Use and usability in flows in general
About triggers:
A usefull trigger is the outdoor temperature.
I like the outdoor temperature from the Viessmann entity a lot because it is averaged out over a configurable time period. So no issues here with a “bouncing condition”.
It is available as a trigger but it is not available as an AND condition.
Would it be possible to add the Outdor Temperature treshold as an AND condition?
It is possible to realise using a logic card. Just maybe it can be done easier. Not a showstopper, but would simplify things
A minor lay-out issue:
AND condition is called “Thermostaatmodus”, where the THEN condition is called “modus”.
To avoid confusion would be best to give them the same name since it is the same entity.