[App][Pro]Soma Connect App (Release 2.0.1)

You can use the Logic card and select a tag:

Bathroom is the Soma blind in my bathroom in the image

Hello - looking for some assistance on the Soma Connect if that’s possible please.

I have the Homey Pro (Early 2023), Soma Connect U1 (USB stick) and a Soma Tilt 1. How do I find the Connect U1 to add it to Homey?

When I try to add a device I only see Soma Shade that can be added although I do not have one.

Any help / assistance would be greatly appreciated - thank you.

The hub is not added to Homey as such but should be auto-detected and used in the background. So all you need to do is select the Shade device and it should find the tilt.

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Thanks for the response Adrian.

The Soma Shade appears on the screen but when I try to connect it states “No new devices have been found”

Any pointers you can give me? Thanks

Can you go to the app setting page and select the Bridges tab and check the Available Bridges section. Your bridge should appear in there as it’s detect via mDNS.
If not you could try adding it manually to see if that helps.


That worked a treat - absolute star - thank you very much :kissing_heart:

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Hi Adrian - thank you for a great app!
Question … The “quietly set position” doesn’t seem to make any difference with my Soma Shade 3s. They run at the same speed as normal set position (which is determined by my settings in the Soma app).
I am using a Soma Connect USB.

Is this normal behavior for the flow? Or any way to push it to do “normal speed” sometimes and quiet at other times?

Thank you