[APP][Pro] Power by the Hour: Insights per hour, day, month and year

No. The 2 minutes update for watts is not related to how often the kWh is updated.
And the kWh meter (difference) is what is used to calculate the totals per hour/day/month/year

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Will do. thanks for all the efforts!

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@Gruijter Thanks for the App and really loving it. But since the last update there seems to be an issue with power and gas summarizer. Both have a red corner stating Apparaat Onbeschikbaar, Source device Stroom is missing. Retry in 10 minutes.

So I restarted the PBTH app as well as HomeWizard no change. However both of the apps are giving me daily reports on how much gas and power was used.

So I removed the gas summarizer and reinstalled, good news no red triangle anymore, bad news all data is gone so need to built history from scratch and it looks like it will not gather any info anymore as there is not gas flow recorded last hour, but I definately used gas.

So I prefer not reinstalling power summarizer as all historic data will be lost.

Is there a possibility you can assist me solving this?
Much appreciated.

P.s. P1 is functioning normal.

I really dont know why the source device suddenly would show up as unavailable, unless something changed in the source device or source app. Did you maybe re-pair the P1 source device?

Thank you so much for the reply. Nothing was changed om my end. Over night I got those red triangles. But strange thing is that the energy is still in the background receiving the info when I look into settings.

Do you have an option how I can save historical data when deleting the existing power and reinstall it?

As with gas all history is gone :disappointed_relieved:.


It is not possible to ‘transfer’ historic data from a PBTH device to a new PBTH device.

Can you try rebooting Homey, wait 15-20 minutes, or longer untill you again get a red triangle again, and then send me a PBTH app diagnostics report?

Rebooted my homey and unfortunately the red arrow still there.
below the report


In the meantime also the new instead gas is not working again.


Contribution in your PayPal account!

:partying_face::hugs: many thx @JaccoStraaijer ! Much appreciated :heart:

New version 4.8.1 is ready for testing: Power by the Hour | Homey

  • Fixed TTF EOD Gas price fetching.
  • Removed support for DAP Daylight Savings Time change.
  • Update to homey-api@1.9.1.

@JaccoStraaijer @Michiel I found the issue with TTF EOD gas prices. FrankEnergy changed the API apparently. I have not found any documentation on that, but I was able to fix it anyhow :partying_face:

@Gab Not sure what causes the missing source device issue, where you had no issues before. But as a reach for solution I did update Homey-api to the latest version, and added additional waiting time during device setup.

Many thanks, it’s working again!

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Hoi meneer Gruijter, allereerst bedankt voor het maken van deze geweldige toevoeging aan Homey. Ik had zoals zo velen ook geconstateerd dat er wat mis was met de app, maar ik vertrouwde er op dat je dit wel zou oplossen. Gelukkig werkt de boel weer, maar ik vond nog 1 foutje. Bij de stroom app geef je nu ineens aan dat de laagste prijs voor stroom is om 24 uur. Dat geeft problemen in de flows die ik inmiddels gemaakt heb. In de echte wereld bestaat er geen uur 24. Als je een goede reden hebt om 00:00 uur nu aan te merken als 24 uur dan is dat natuurlijk uitstekend, als dat dan maar wel consequent doorgevoerd wordt. Fijne dag verder en ik hoop dat je nog lang doorgaat met het ontwikkelen van je uitstekende toepasbare programma’s.
Groeten, Gerard Krol.


Fix confirmed. It is working again!

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That is a DST code related bug I still need to fix. It only happens when the api delivers 25 hours of data for a day, and the 25th hour (which is actually hour 0 of the next day) happens to be the lowest of them all. So a pretty rare case, and it is the case today for the NL pricing.

@Patric_Hedin many thx for your donation! :beers::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Hi Robbin, thank you for your quick response. Good luck creating a working solution.

Thanks for all the help, I deleted the current Stroom, and created a new one so started ‘fresh’ again!

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Hi Gruijter. I’ve uploaded an comperance between PoTH with Shelly device with daily reset active.
It’s the yellow/orange cure, and compered it agains the formule I’ve found on other forums.

I don’t know what couses this, but when it goes belows the other value, it dobbles the sum for some reachen.

It’s not following the rules you set here:

  • you use kWh as source (not watt as source!) YES
  • the meter is normally only going up (never down), Normaly yes, but…
  • the random reset is to 0 kWh (not a higher value), It might be where the problem is.

I’ve added two flow that is tested and works with Shelly devices. Is it possible to add this to the app. in the future ?

No because I will not use PBTH to compensate for issues caused by other apps. If the root issue cannot be solved in Shelly, the next best for you would be to switch to using Watts as source.