[APP][Pro] Misol and Ecowitt (Release 0.1.44, Test 0.1.45 )

Dear Adrian,

It was exactly this one: https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B0991GWB7W/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

(GW1100). What I found strange is that there was no standard-text under folder in the ws view app. I tried either to leave it blank or to insert the folder you have stated in your instructions. Both did not work. And as I said, no problems with the Ecowitt App, which I found a little bit nicer concerning the UI anyway. In that app the standard folder appeared. All the other configuration settings were the same in both apps.

If you need any further information I would be glad if it could be helpful for you.

Kind regards,


That’s the same as mine. Maybe the firmware is different.
But pleased you are up and running and the problem is noted.

Hello. I am using your app every day with many soil sensors in the garden of my holiday home.

I just bought the rainsensor. It is picked up by the gateway. Can I assist you with adding this sensor to your app or is this most likely not going to work?


If you go the Configure App section for the Misol app, then tap on the Detected tab and finally the Send Log button. That should show me what parameters it has and then I can add it to the App.

Could you also send a web shop link to the device so I can see what it looks like for adding images to the app.

Hello Adrian,

I send you the log from my Homey.

This is the shop link: https://www.amazon.nl/gp/product/B0791B6B48


I have just looked at your log and it seems you have a complete weather station. Do you also have a separate rain gauge, as I’m only seeing one set of rain data?

No I don:t have a weather station. Only 3 (now 4) soil moisture sensors and an air quality sensor and the rain sensor

Ah, it’s OK, I have found your log. You are using an older version of the app that had a copy paste error, so it is reporting the log as LinkTap data because I forgot to change the subject line when copying the code form my other app.

Right, so I will add a rain sensor only device and publish it ASAP.

Hello Adrian,

My misol gateway hasnt been updatet for 15 days.
I use the app version 0.1.17.
I use the app WS view to add the soil moisture devices and the pm10 sensor

Do you know why it would have stopped 2 weeks ago.

No sure why it would have stopped.
Have you tried restarting the app and the the gateway?
Also, check the gateway settings to make sure they haven’t been lost.
Finally, can you send the log from Homey Developer Tools. Open the Misol and Ecowitt app, click on the Diagnostics Log tab, make sure the log is enabled (blue tick) and click on Send Log once the list shows some data.

Edit: also make sure the Simulation Data tab has nothing in the list. If it does then click on Clear Sim

I have indeed restarted the app, and the gateway.

The only settings i have for the gateway is the number of the port.

I have sent a report, please let me know if it wasnt done right

I have the solution.
Due to a bad connection with homey and tp-link wifi i made another network for homey, so the ip adres was changed.

I think the gateway and homey need to be on the same network.

Al lot of apps don’t work when homey is on another wifi network, so the only solution on al lot of problems is to add homey back on the existing network.

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Am I the only one who noticed this? :sweat_smile:

Same as @Felix_Brandt . WS view not finding or showing anything. Ecowitt app worked just fine, and i got the gateway and temp/hum sensor working in Homey with no problem.


Hi Adrian,

First, thanks for creating and maintaining the weather apps.

Question: Is this one supported?

Ecowitt WittBoy Wi-Fi weather station with GW2001 (GW2000) gateway (868 MHz).


Looking at the manual for the GW2000 gateway, it looks like it should be compatible as it has the custom connection settings:

I haven’t personally tested the app with this gateway but I would be surprised if it didn’t work.

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Thanks for your answer.

I will wait for my actual weather station to stop working, before I buy this one (difficult times … )


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Dear Adrian,

I have bought an Ecowitt Pool Thermometer (WN36AN) and I would like to add it to my Homey.

Can you please support me and add this new thermometer to your app?

Thank you for your support!

Csaba Nagy

Can you send the log from the Configure App screen.