[APP][Pro] Misol and Ecowitt (Release 0.1.44, Test 0.1.45 )

Sorry, I meant devices in the app, such as weather station, etc.

Google nest doorbell, ecowitt, hue lamps, somfy screens and sonos

Sorry again, specifically in the Misol and Ecowitt app.

That’s it. Does the rain gauge not show up in the weather station?

Indeed does not show up

Hmm, mine is in there

Damn you are right, apologies for not seeing that earlier. Thanks for pointing that out. Found it

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I’m not sure what is happening there as all the capabilities have different names and the tokens should be based on those:

        "measure_rain.rate": {
            "title": {
                "en": "Rain Rate",
                "nl": "Regenintensiteit",
                "de": "Regenrate"
            "units": {
                "en": "mm/hr",
                "nl": "mm/u",
                "de": "mm/h"
        "measure_rain.event": {
            "title": {
                "en": "Rain Event",
                "nl": "Regenbui",
                "de": "Regenereignis"
        "measure_rain.hourly": {
            "title": {
                "en": "Rain Hourly",
                "nl": "Regen afgelopen uur",
                "de": "Regen stĂŒndlich"       
        "measure_rain.daily": {
            "title": {
                "en": "Rain daily",
                "nl": "Regen vandaag",
                "de": "Regen tÀglich"
        "measure_rain.weekly": {
            "title": {
                "en": "Rain weekly",
                "nl": "Regen deze week",
                "de": "Regen wöchentlich"
        "measure_rain.monthly": {
            "title": {
                "en": "Rain monthly",
                "nl": "Regen deze maand",
                "de": "Regen monatlich"
        "measure_rain.yearly": {
            "title": {
                "en": "Rain yearly",
                "nl": "Regen dit jaar",
                "de": "Regen jÀhrlich"
        "measure_rain.total": {
            "title": {
                "en": "Rain Total",
                "nl": "Regen totaal",
                "de": "Regen gesamt"


The only thing I can suggest is to try and delete and add the device again, but that will break your flows that use it.

I added a weather station WS5500.

If you add a Temperature & Humidity device in Homey, does it find it then?

I guess the inside temperature, maybe also humidity and pressure, shown in the WSView Plus is provided from the gateway itself. So you have to add the gateway also in Homey:

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Thanks for the support. By adding “gateway” i can use the inside temp. Problem solved.


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Hi @Adrian_Rockall

I switched from the “legacy” ecowitt weatherstation to the new one with piezo sensor (wittboy).

everything is fine so far
 but the rain data (e.g. rain rate) will not be updated


Is the wittboy already supported by your app?


Hi Sven,

For about one week now I installed also the Wittboy (WS90), because 2 Tempest Weatherflow weather stations have broken in almost 3 years

After I added the WS90 in Homey, no rain data was displayed for several hours or even 1-2 days for me either. But then the rain data were suddenly there. The problem is, I can’t tell you exactly what the problem was. Sure, I restarted the app and Homey, but if this was the reason that the rain data were suddenly shown, I don’t know exactly.

But what I can say, the WS90 is supported:

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I see rain data now, too.

But do you get instantly data for the rainfall rate, too?

Could you open the app settings page and select the Detected tab and send the log.

Hm, I think that’s not easy to answer, especially if the rain started several hours ago. I didn’t pay attention to this in real time yet.

These are a few dats from this morning.

Acc. Homeys Insights, rain was first detected by the WS90 at 3:40 am, by the Netatmo rain sensor already at 3:35 am:

Acc. ecowitt.net rain was detected already at 3:35 am:

But, as we all know, the data are interpolated in Homeys Insights. The longer the time period, the more the data are interpolated.

Nevertheless, even though that the Netatmo rain sensor uses a technology that can only detect rain when there is a minimum amount of rain, and the weather data from the Netatmo weather station are uploaded via a cloud with an interval of 10 minutes, this sensor detected rain earlier.
The Ecowitt WiFi Gateway don’t uses a cloud service, the reporting interval of the WS90 is 8.8 seconds, and the upload interval between the Ecowitt WiFi Gateway and Homey is 16 seconds. At least that’s what I know.
So very strange!

However, with the Tempest Weather Flow weather station, which also detects the rain using a haptic sensor, it also happened very often that the rain detection was much slower than with the Netatmo rain sensor.
So maybe rain detection with a haptic sensor isn’t the yellow from an egg, as we in Germany say
Maybe we should inform ourselves in a special forum for hobby weather stations about haptic rain sensors.

@Adrian_Rockall, from an IT perspective, do you have an explanation for this phenomenon?

I’m not an expert on the sensors, but from my basic knowledge, I would have thought the haptic sensor would be more responsive. The tipping bucket type of sensor requires the bucket to fill up and topple to record an event. I think the buckets on my rains sensors topple every 2mm of rainfall
Haptic sensors rely on the vibration of the rain hitting the sensor, so I think very light rain can be undetected. It appears there are calibration that can be made but I am still not convinced by the technology, so I am sticking with the proven toppling bucket for now.

I also found this discussion if it helps Wittboy settings to improve haptic rain sensor accuracy?

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ok I checked it again - at the moment we have thunderstorms here :slight_smile:

the rain data and rain rate data works fine now :slight_smile:

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