[APP][Pro] Misol and Ecowitt (Release 0.1.44, Test 0.1.45 )

Is there a way to show the wind units as “mph”?

At the moment, it’s only possible to select km/h or m/s.
I will look into adding mph.

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There is a new test version in the store with the mph option.

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MPH now works!

I also noticed that rainfall is reported in mm. Can you add an option for inches?

Have you configured your hub to send the information to Homey?

Try under Weather services on the left.

I just installed the Ecowitt App because I bought the package with the GW2000A gateway and the WS90 sensor station. I was able to find the unit GW200A and it installed in Homey but it doesn’t seem to recieve any data. I did the set-up in the weather service interface accordingly. Any idea what is the problem ?

Could you provide a picture of the weather services setup as that’s normally the source of the problem.

Not sure about the URL with the ’ characters. Could you try just using the IP address to see if that works?

ok, now it seems to report values from the prob connected to the gateway. I did use the IP address at first but then it did not show up as unit when try to install from the App. Anyway now I want to add the WS90 unit and I pick the WS80 from the App but it say can’t find any units. However, the values from the WS90 is visible in te Ecowitt App. What I’m I doing wrong ?

Could you send the Detected log from the app settings screen. When I get home I will check the values to see what is being reported at let you know.

Did you try adding the weather station device to see if that picks it up?

Yes, that’s what I did by picking the WS80 from the interface but it says can’t find any units


Sorry I meant the Weather Station driver that is next to WS80 in the image above. The WS80 is just the anemometer part but I believe the WS90 has full weather collection features.

Thanks for the Diagnostics log but that doesn’t help as it has very limited information. The log I need is in the app settings and you select the Detected tab. The send button sends what you see in the output box.

I tried the other Icon for the weather station and then it worked.
I thought the WS80 was the one to use. Thanks again for your quick support.

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This is the Homey App info from the Weather station, it is a mixture of English and Swedish. As you can see there is two Vindstyrka the first one 2.3 m/s is named Windspeed in the Ecowitt App. In Swedish it should be Vindhastighet. The second Vindstyrka 5.9 m/s is in the Ecowitt App Wind Gust and in Swedish it should be Vindbyarnas hastighet. Is this something you could correct ?

My app doesn’t have any Swedish translation, so built in capabilities that I subclass seem to be falling back to Homey’s language.
What I need is someone to translate all my custom text, so could you help with that?