Just got another crash, the memory eats up fast. Did try to use a flow so I could get a not when the app crashed but the homey doesn’t recognize that the app has crashed. There is no red crash text on the app.
@Kjell_Blomberg, you don’t need to raise your point anymore, I can also reproduce on a Homey 2019 I have access to. But please don’t be more pushy, I understand that it crashes and that you want it fixed, and you’ll get it fixed somewhen, I just cannot commit any due date.
As a workaround, did you try to set a flow restarting your app regularly? It isn’t ideal but it can avoid manual restarts and downtimes (@Marius_Stensrod, @Phil_Bro, FYI).
At some point I also think that Athom should take some actions to scale up their systems and support more modern technologies. Or to allow updating only newer Homey Pro, because the gap between both systems became too big to make developers support them in an easy way.
Sorry i didnt wont to be pushy, just trying to give useful info
@Kjell_Blomberg, @Marius_Stensrod, @Phil_Bro, can you please download and tell me if it solves the issue?
Installed and runs on lower memory approx. 26MB and its look stable. I run it on both 2019 and 2023. will check back after a couple of ours. Tanks Olivier
Sorry @OlivierZal , the widget issue is the same. It crashed the Homey app on my tablet.
For the moment, I don’t handle the widget issue, which happens only when the widget is set, but the global periodic crash issue.
I will raise another release later.
Still running at 26MB on the 2019 and 75MB on the 2023
I hope it will continue this way.
In this (test) version, users having issues with widget animations on their device can now disable them.
Thanks! Good work
Hi The 2019 is still running below 30 Mb, 02,50 it dropped from 27,5 to 25,5 mb and still is. The 2023 Homey is running around 77 mb flat. So it looks like you solved the problem. Good work. what caused the memory leak ?
I’m glad the issue is solved. Difference between Homey 2023 and 2016-2019 memory handling is due to the different node versions running on them, but I confess that it was also an app design issue: when reshaping the energy reports, I forgot one place where I created some useless timeouts – what accumulated memory until saturation.
Hi Olivier, the app version has changed to 40.0.3. After re install 40.0.2 I had no crashes (as far as I can tell). So that might have solved it for me. The 40.0.3 was aiuto updated, referring to the bugfixing, this version is better. Thanks!
Hi, im using Home Assistant now to read out different MELCloud sensors. But I am thinking about switching to Homey.
Is there a list of variables/sensors which are available for MELCloud in Homey?
Hi @Jingle1986, as far as I know everything available through the MELCloud API is available in Homey.
- air-to-air: com.melcloud/drivers/melcloud/driver.compose.json at main · OlivierZal/com.melcloud · GitHub
- air-to-water: com.melcloud/drivers/melcloud_atw/driver.compose.json at main · OlivierZal/com.melcloud · GitHub
- erv: com.melcloud/drivers/melcloud_erv/driver.compose.json at main · OlivierZal/com.melcloud · GitHub
If you see anything missing, please tell me and I’ll see how to add it.
Hello knowledgeable people (and super-knowledgeable, helpful & responsive developer Olivier).
I am trying to use Homey to trigger my hot water (dhw) heating early in the morning, to avoid waking up to cold house because the water temperature happened to reach the lower threshold around the time I wanted to get up, and Mitsubishi prioritises heating water compared to heating the house/radiators. But I am currently failing to trigger the hot water heating.
I have tried multiple experiments, but without success so far. Am I missing something? … should it be possible?
Currently I am trying (in a Homey advanced flow):
- WHEN Date & Time The time is 05:00
- THEN < heating system > - Home Turn On
- THEN < heating system > - Home Set the hot water mode to Forced
- THEN Timeline Create a notification with "Turned on hot water at < #time >
I get the timeline notification as expected, but the water doesn’t heat up.
I put monitors and Timeline notifications on what happened when the hot water was actually triggered, and I see this notification from my Timeline log:
- TRIGGER: < heating system > - Home; The operational state for domestic hot water changed to dhw
- (and later back to idle)
I can also see this additional “operation state for domestic hot water” in the status section of the Homey MELCloud app, but I can’t find any way to set it. Am I missing something?
I also tried querying the Flow Cards through a HomeyScript, just in case I was missing something through Homey (advanced) Flow that perhaps was available through Script, but didn’t find any other Action cards:
Flow cards for devices with owners inculding substring: cloud
Triggers Cards
homey:app:com.mecloud measure_temperature_threshold_above
homey:app:com.mecloud measure_temperature_threshold_below
homey:app:com.mecloud measure_temperature.outdoor_threshold_above
homey:app:com.mecloud measure_temperature.outdoor_threshold_below
homey:app:com.mecloud measure_temperature.flow_threshold_above
homey:app:com.mecloud measure_temperature.flow_threshold_below
homey:app:com.mecloud measure_temperature.return_threshold_above
homey:app:com.mecloud measure_temperature.return_threshold_below
homey:app:com.mecloud measure_temperature.tank_water_threshold_above
homey:app:com.mecloud measure_temperature.tank_water_threshold_below
homey:app:com.mecloud measure_power_threshold_above
homey:app:com.mecloud measure_power_threshold_below
homey:app:com.mecloud measure_power.produced_threshold_above
homey:app:com.mecloud measure_power.produced_threshold_below
homey:app:com.mecloud meter_power_threshold_above
homey:app:com.mecloud meter_power_threshold_below
homey:app:com.mecloud meter_power.produced_threshold_above
homey:app:com.mecloud meter_power.produced_threshold_below
homey:app:com.mecloud meter_power.cop_threshold_above
homey:app:com.mecloud meter_power.cop_threshold_below
homey:app:com.mecloud measure_temperature.flow_zone1_threshold_above
homey:app:com.mecloud measure_temperature.flow_zone1_threshold_below
homey:app:com.mecloud measure_temperature.return_zone1_threshold_above
homey:app:com.mecloud measure_temperature.return_zone1_threshold_below
homey:app:com.mecloud meter_power.heating_threshold_above
homey:app:com.mecloud meter_power.heating_threshold_below
homey:app:com.mecloud meter_power.hotwater_threshold_above
homey:app:com.mecloud meter_power.hotwater_threshold_below
homey:app:com.mecloud measure_temperature.target_curve_threshold_above
homey:app:com.mecloud measure_temperature.target_curve_threshold_below
homey:app:com.mecloud measure_temperature.tank_water_mixing_threshold_above
homey:app:com.mecloud measure_temperature.tank_water_mixing_threshold_below
homey:app:com.mecloud meter_power.daily_threshold_above
homey:app:com.mecloud meter_power.daily_threshold_below
homey:app:com.mecloud measure_frequency_threshold_above
homey:app:com.mecloud measure_frequency_threshold_below
homey:app:com.mecloud meter_power.cop_daily_threshold_above
homey:app:com.mecloud meter_power.cop_daily_threshold_below
homey:app:com.mecloud measure_temperature_changed
homey:app:com.mecloud onoff_true
homey:app:com.mecloud onoff_false
homey:app:com.mecloud target_temperature_changed
homey:app:com.mecloud measure_power_changed
homey:app:com.mecloud meter_power_changed
homey:app:com.mecloud thermostat_mode_changed
homey:app:com.mecloud hot_water_mode_changed
homey:app:com.mecloud operational_state_changed
homey:app:com.mecloud measure_frequency_changed
homey:app:com.mecloud alarm_generic.defrost_false
homey:app:com.mecloud alarm_generic.defrost_true
homey:app:com.mecloud operational_state.hot_water_changed
homey:app:com.mecloud operational_state.zone1_changed
Conditions Cards
homey:app:com.mecloud on
homey:app:com.mecloud thermostat_mode_is
homey:app:com.mecloud hot_water_mode_is
homey:app:com.mecloud operational_state_is
homey:app:com.mecloud alarm_generic.defrost_condition
homey:app:com.mecloud operational_state.hot_water_condition
homey:app:com.mecloud operational_state.zone1_condition
Actions Cards
homey:app:com.mecloud on
homey:app:com.mecloud off
homey:app:com.mecloud toggle
homey:app:com.mecloud target_temperature_set
homey:app:com.mecloud thermostat_mode_set
homey:app:com.mecloud set_hot_water_mode
homey:app:com.mecloud target_temperature.flow_heat_action
homey:app:com.mecloud target_temperature.tank_water_action
I had thought the “set_hot_water_mode” action would be the one, but the options were Automatic or Forced, and neither seemed to trigger the hot water heating.
I have read & searched this thread, and tried everything I can think of, but not yet found what I am looking for.
HW & SW context:
- Homey HW Model: Homey Pro (Early 2023)
- Homey SW Version: 12.3.0-rc.7
- MELCloud App: 40.1.0
- Heating system: Mitsubishi Ecodan New Generation 14kW air-to-water heat pump, with FTC6 controller and MAC-567IF-E WIFI interface
Am I missing something? Any insights or suggestions gratefully received.
Hi @Colin_Osborne, operational states are readonly values reflecting the current set of the opérations. The corresponding “set” values are thermostat mode and set water tank temperature
Thanks for your speedy reply Olivier.
If I stick to Homey (advanced) Flow for now, rather than going further through the HomeyScript options …
I have tried to summarise the different THEN (Action) cards available. I believe they are:
- Turn on
- Turn off
- Toggle on or off
- Set the hot water mode to < Automatic/Forced >
- Set the temperature < number >
- Set the mode [in zone 2] to < Indoor temperature/Fixed flow temperature/Weather compensation curve >
- Set the cool flow temperature [in zone 2] to < number >
- Set the flow temperature [in zone 2] to < number >
- Set the tank water temperature [in zone 2] to < number >
From that I interpret the “set” options that you describe above (“thermostat mode” & “set water tank temperature”) in Homey (advanced) Flow are:
- Set the hot water mode to < Automatic/Forced >
- Set the tank water temperature [in zone 2] to < number >
If so, the first (“set the hot water mode”) is what I am already using (together with “turn on”) … yet it currently isn’t activating the domestic hot water heating.
I had assumed that I didn’t need to re-set the “tank water temperature”, since I was not trying to change the peak value that it aims for.
Oh, I just tried adding re-setting the tank water temperature as well, and that seems to have worked … about 2 minutes later (to the resolution of Timeline message timestamps), my “Heatpump operational state domestic hot water changed to dhw” Timeline message was triggered.
So now I have this updated flow (in a Homey advanced flow):
- WHEN Date & Time The time is 05:00
- THEN < heating system > - Home Turn On
- THEN < heating system > - Home Set the tank water temperature to < number >
- THEN < heating system > - Home Set the hot water mode to Forced
- THEN Timeline Create a notification with "Turned on hot water at < #time >
I’m puzzled that it seems necessary to re-set the target temperature as well, but if it works I’ll take it … I’ll leave my flow configured like this and check if it works consistently.
Thank you again for your App and your support. I’ll assume this is resolved now.
Hi. fan speed is not showing correct on the device overview, but shows correct in insights