[APP][Pro] Easee charger - Small. Smart. Full of power

Further testing today shows that I never get anything else than 404 for my chargers. The command endpoint never appears. Tested after 5 minutes, it is still not there.

Both my chargers are added to Tibber, and now I notice there is no start/resume charging button in the Easee mobile app or web. Can someone with Tibber (I guess any partner) check if you see the start/resume charging button or not in the Easee mobile app/web.

For the chargers we have this endpoint, I call it automatically to refresh the lifetime value. I don’t see anything similar for the Equalizer though. Which makes me think it is currently not possible. The app fetches it every time it fetches the other values, it is the same API. But I guess Easee internally doesn’t refresh it as frequently as the other values.