[APP][Pro] Device Capabilities - Enhance the capabilities of devices

To see all avail. variables Under it (AVD called “Hiiden_UI”) - like in PbH would look with:

But just in case: also “heatingPlan” shows nothing :zipper_mouth_face:

Tried “all in”-method :disguised_face: - but also w/o no effect :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Have you set the value of the picker once already (by selecting a option)?

Its so weird, because the whole TAG part is just standard Homey functionality.
Perhaps uncheck Create Tag, press save, and check it again and press save?

For testing

  1. created new / fresh AVD with (and some others with tags):

  2. Set picker by mob to “On”

  3. adding logic-card to check what I can see - and vola :dizzy_face:

So could my problem be related to fact that I added options (tags etc.) only later, not at initial setup (i.e. “repaired” in several steps)… Testing and the answer is no issue (as List3 made with 3 steps, create, set value, add tag as last step) and no issue

So seems that I have some error on my org-AVD

Seems that recreating AVD would be an option (current HomeyScript(s) would allow easily even new AVD name), but then I would loose continuation of Insights (for values).

Cannot reproduce RC, so lets leave it here (I will reproduce on next major upgrade only :slight_smile: ) - thank you for you patience :hugs:

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You can try to uncheck the Create Tag and change the name of the field, press save and than change it back and press save.

Let me try when next Quality-time with Homey :slight_smile:

– edit after testing—

Test 1 (passed :slight_smile: )

  • Created AVD copy of “faulty one” by TEF export and import
  • new AVD with no issues with tags

Test 2:

Create Tag and change the name of the field, press save and than change it back and press save.

  • due my bad reading :slight_smile: made it bit different…
  • tested on both (both picker-lists had tags selected): unselected tag from 1st only, saved, then changed both names to xxx2, saved, added tag to 1st, saved, then names back to org xxx, saved and Logic-card sees them :partying_face::

Thank you for help - this is adding one more item to love AVDs even more (I already have almost all of my essential variables are embed into AVDs)

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I am trying to create a „dial knob“ to

  1. show the remaining watering time
  2. to change/adjust the remaining watering time.

My first step was to setup the „dial knob“, which is close but not quite there:

Is that customizable?

Range 0-30 minutes is fine.
But there shouldn’t be decimals, and the unit should be minutes instead of degrees…

Hi Naehle,

I’ve a working example here.

The ‘dial’ (target temperature) sets and shows the timer duration, and the ‘temperature’ indicator shows the remaining duration.

The decimal seems to be a Homey thermostat device type default, as you (and I) found out setting 0 decimals doesn’t make a difference.
The temperature can be shown without decimals.
The ° as unit, also comes as default, and can’t be changed to f.i. “min”.

But, when you use, like, “Sensor” as the AVD device class, it shows the entered unit “min” as status indicator, compared to device class “Thermostat”.

(Because the running timer value is in ms, the BLL Expression should be Math.round($value/1000/60)




Thx so much ! One final question for now: :wink:
How did you get it the nice icon on the tile or rather: I can’t find it in my list…?



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Got it!


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Yeah, it takes quite a while for all available icons to load. This particular icon was from my shared collection

But you can also select your own downloaded / created (.svg) icon:

When you can’t decide yet, it’s easy to change a device icon at any time, through app settings:

@Arie_J_Godschalk Enjoying the summer vacation I hope.
A feature request: when adding an AVD: is it possible to move the large icon libraries to the bottom? And/or the possibility to disable icon libraries (until enabled again)?
@ Pro19 it takes very long for the icons below the “Font_awesome_*” to appear.
Issue added to Bitbucket.

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I created a virtual device that controls the mode/speed of my heat recovery unit. The virtual device contains 4 visible on/off buttons for each speed setting (named ‘Stand 0’ through ‘Stand 4’) and a hidden button that represents the on/off state of the device’s tile. The latter on/off button I do not use.

The device’s log contains entries for every time I pressed a button. However these entries all use the ‘On/Off’ name instead of the actual name of the button pressed (e.g. Stand 2).

I cannot find any setting in the virtual device’s repair screen, through which I can set the name to be used in the log.

How do I get the virtual device to report the actual name of the button instead of the generic ‘On/Off’?

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Check the Create Insights box.
Then you can enter the (insights) title for On and Off yourself.


@Peter_Kawa Nice post!

It makes a difference in the browser presentation, not in the app.
The opposite holds for the triangles: shown in the app , but they are not shown in the browser.
It is confusing.

Why? It also shows “min” in the status indicator using the “Other (default)” device class

Sorry, I meant it as opposite to device class Thermostat. I’ll adjust my post.
Did not check all other classes :man_shrugging:

Here it’s the other way round, the target temperature, when set to 0 digits,

  • shows wrong @ Mobile: with one digit
  • shows right @ Web without digits

the triangles were added to the mobile app at some point in time, the web app still has “dial operation” only.
But I don’t see how this is related to my proposed idea of a timer with dial operation.

Nice solution. I used the below: it shows hh:mm:ss running if set as status indicator in the app, but it will not show in the browser.
However, I am not sure if it’s much more CPU intensive for Homey? I vaguely remember @Arie_J_Godschalk warning, maybe he can tell us if that was resolved?



No. Using the “old” special status indicator field is heavy on memory, because it (mis)used the Unit field, which is heavy on performance.
But using the default value of a textfield as statusindicator is not heavy on performance.

(So yeah, using any Unit field (from a number field for instance) as statusindicator, is way more heavy than just using a textfield with its value as status indicator.)

Yeah you’re right, I forgot / couldn’t find that expression, I think it’s nicer!
And when wanting to show minutes only,
time("mm") should work as BLL xpression

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As indicated I liked your example, but adding to that: I also know how hard it was in the beginning, when only after a while you understand that the app/browser are not always consistent. Even today, I was looking for the triangles quite a bit until I realized you probably gave a screenshot of the app… :blush:

Thanks. I am sorry, but I do not completely understand. Let’s focus on todays version:

  1. using the status indicator field to show a text field that reflects a running timer is acceptable?
  2. using the status indicator field to show a number field that reflects a running timer is less CPU than under 1.?
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@Arie_J_Godschalk A few questions for you please:

  1. Quite a few of my AVD’s have fields that are not shown properly in Insights.
    Often after I have edited the AVD fields. eg:
    Is there a way to update Insights to the actual fields?

  2. When I select “Create Insights” for various fields, could this negatively affect Homey Insight storage use? I have seen comments (by Athom) that each write/read of an insight to the local storage could wear out the storage faster. I use it on many fields in about 50 AVDs. Not sure it is something you would know as app developer, if not I can ask Athom next.

  3. Please note: Insights for both number fields Temperature (Target) and Temperature (Measure) are not shown in Homey Insights. Correction: In one AVD they show and in another they don’t show up in Insights.


Well, when you only update the Number value (and not the Unit text), its the same as #1.

But using the Unit field of a numberfield to show and update text on the device tile (and the AVDs special Status Indicator Field used that Unit text), that is very heavy on the mobile app especially.
And since a Textfield-value can now be shown as DeviceTileText, using a Text field for it is way better that a Unit-from-numberfield or the “old” special Status Indicator Field.

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