[APP][Pro] Device Capabilities - Enhance the capabilities of devices

Ok, then I will watch the memory usage.

This is the behavior of the last 14 days:

Is there something I have to translate?

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No, thanks, i have used Google translate for this single word: Kumulativ.

:+1:t3: :joy:

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Hey @Jacques_Derks, @Peter_Kawa and @Sebby5 (and @Anders_Gregow),

We’ll continue here.
Please remove your posts from the The Flow Exchange(r) - Exchange Your Flows with Others! - Flows - Homey Community Forum.

@Jacques_Derks it should be resolved in 2.8.14.
It’s Live now!

What is resolved:
Importing TEF’s with Chronograph wouldn’t create the Chronograph correct (timer/etc) when creating a new one or changing the name during import.
Both issues have been resolved, you can create the new Chronograph object with the Template name or adjust the name.

QlusterIT / nl.qluster-it.DeviceCapabilities / issues / #21 - TEF: changing the name of a chronograph stopwatch stops/breaks the import script — Bitbucket
(Both issues had the same source)


In Test Now (2.9.0):

Added an API call to set the value of AVD fields:

await dcApp.apiPost('setvalue', {device:'Day-Amount', field:'number1', value:21});

await dcApp.apiPost('setvalue', {device:'Day-Amount', field:'measure_devicecapabilities_number-custom_1.number1', value:22});

await dcApp.apiPost('setvalue', {device:'c34dc5b4-3c30-48a9-8a4e-014aea93d00d', field:'measure_power', value:501});

First - thanks for an excellent app!
I am using the “device capability card” in my advanced flow to retrieve a capability value from the insight log from x minutes ago. It works really well but I am not able to find my “better logic” values. I can find the “standard logic” values in the device “Manager - logic” but not the “better logic values”. I am doing something wrong or is this not working yet?

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Hey, better logic’s variables are not capabilities.
I don’t think you can see them with that card.

Ill have a look to see.

But what you can do: create an AVD and use those capabilities as variables.
Now you have them grouped and you can also manage insights yourself.

Hey all! Someone that knows why I see no devices to select?

It is the same behaviour for all Device Capabilities flow cards.


Send me a diag?
This is a know issue, but havent seen any usefull info in a diag yet.

@Peter_Kawa ,

Thanks for sharing another device with flow.
I installed “Chronograph - Get current duration of a running Timer” but I’m getting an error “Convert duration into HH:MM:SS right away”
The error is “Invalid type for token ‘string’ expected ‘string’ but got ‘boolean’.”

Aby ideas?



You could have entered a non-existing timer name:

With an existing timer name, it should return the timestamp:

I can’t figure yet out how to check on a valid timer name.

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I did not enter a timer name anywhere. I just copied the code and replaced it with the right homey script card.


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You replaced it with the wrong HS card, you need the one with a text(?) argument.

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You’ll need the THEN “Run code with argument and return Text-tag” card, like Arie stated alr.
Screenshot from 2023-01-06 12-20-29

When you edit the card (select the code),
you’ll see a text bar at the top, there you should enter a timer name.

Screenshot from 2023-01-06 12-24-11

In my screenshots, my used timer name is cv_monitor so you can see where that should go.


Okay, I got the wrong card, you are right.
Replaced it with the right card and changed the timer name. That I had already tried but with the wrong card it did nothing off course.

Thanks, it is working now.


Here is a diag: 976f324d-8758-48e8-93ea-77f428734eb1


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Hi @Peter_Kawa , just testing your TEF - (Updated) Sensors Connection Check. - The Flow Exchange(r) - Exchange Your Flows with Others! - #13 by Peter_Kawa - are you sure you did include HomeyScript, which checks actually against last updated argument ? Somehow that check is missing it seems. Do I miss something here please ?


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Hi Sharkys,

I don’t fully get what you’re missing.
You seem to have the scripts in place.
If all went well you copy/pasted them all 3 from the 3 dummy DC ‘Homeyscript’ cards.

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HI Peter, I don’t see in imported HomeyScript any check for that argument… basically running that flow gives me all sensors sorted by last updated time without taking into consideration Inactive time


I’m sure I’m missing something.

// Sensor.Contact_Check, to check contact sensors connection by comparing last update times

let array = [];

const devices = await Homey.devices.getDevices({ filter: {class: 'sensor', capabilities: 'alarm_contact'} });
_.forEach(devices, device => {
array.push( device.capabilitiesObj.alarm_contact.lastUpdated?.substring(0,16) + " - " + device.name );

//oldest date on top sort array = ["time_stamp device", "time_stamp device", "time_stamp device" ]
const array_sorted = array.slice().sort(function(time_stamp, device) { 
 const firsttime_stamp = time_stamp.split(" ")[0];
 const secondtime_stamp = device.split(" ")[0];
 if(firsttime_stamp < secondtime_stamp) return -1;
 if(firsttime_stamp > secondtime_stamp) return 1;
 return 0;

console.log("Contact sensors:\n" + array_sorted.join('\n') + "\n\nSensor.Contact_Check.js");

        uri: 'homey:manager:notifications',
        id: 'create_notification',
        args: {
          text: "Contact sensors:\n" + array_sorted.join('\n') + "\n\nSensor.Contact_Check.js"
return array_sorted.join('\n');
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