Well, i’ll try to request one, lets see how it goes this time…
Ola @Arie_J_Godschalk
A bit embarrast, but is it me, or isn’t this neat app available @ community store?
Or is it a cli install from bitbucket?
Or is it integrated in H.O.O.P. now?
The app is in the „original“ App Store available:
Oh my… didn’t expect it (& didn’t look for it) @ the “official” store.
Hey @Arie_J_Godschalk,
could you please explain what the ERROR field is for. I don’t understand the example mentioned in the first post.
Thx in advance!
Hey Dirk,
Maybe this explains it.
Add a condition, like
Set TV.onoff to True and wait for error: “Powered on already”.
The flow then continues when the “error message” matches the entered error message by you.
So, in your flow, you still have to enter the expected error message itself, something like “Powered on already”.
Idk where to find available error messages for a specific device
Ok, understand it a little bit now. But don’t know also what to fill in exactly. I tried a lot of „Errors“, e.g. true, false, on, off, but always the same error message.
The only simple thing I want is a flow like this one:
— This flow is started
— Light is turned on
— Turn light off
Actually, there should be an “is on/is off” card, but Athom has not added this card yet. I have already asked several times but Athom just does nothing.
If you are looking to test on the value of device capabilities such as on/off, you do know you can do so through logic cards, don’t you? It isn’t really obvious or user friendly, but you add a true, false, equal, greater, less,… test and pick the capability of a device (on/off) and the desired value.
Of course! I was thinking far too complicated again!
Thx @Edwin_D!
I’m the king of overly complicated, so if you like that I can help make things way more complex than needed too. Just let me know and I will make your head spin
How to determine the “correct” error message is something I don’t know yet.
I thought it would be selectable from within the web app flow editor, but it isn’t (yet).
Edit: Arie explained it in the starting post:
But unfortunately, I have the same error message as you, both on mobile as web app flow editor. Tried it with different types of devices:
Encountered an unexpected error value: "undefined"
Arie made great function example with this:
IF Listen to vacuum cleaner dust_bin full
AND wait for the vacuum cleaner returning the error “Dust_bin full”
THEN push message “Hey, vacuum cleaner says: my dust bin is full”
True that, but the feature of Device C. is, that you can use “hidden” conditions, which are not available / selectable through standard flow cards.
That’s very neat imho
Haha me too… but, the most simple solution is mostly the hardest one to come up with.
Hey @DirkG and @Peter_Kawa
To know which Errors are given, create a flow with the normal On/Off flowcard and execute that flow. You will recieve errors like “Powering on in progress” or “Allready powered on…”. These errors can be “watched” for.
Sorry Arie, I can’t generate an error message like that.
Tried all combinations I could think of, but I have little onoff capable devices (which report status back)
Tried also with the LG WebOS app, but that one assumes tv off after x secs. But it didn’t generate an error message.
My vacuum robot returns statusses, but unfortunately no onoff type.
Example (I used an empty space and various letters and words as error description):
I turned the Marantz on. Waited for minutes watching the screens, but nothing happens, on both web app and mobile app.
THEN card and ELSE card are not executed.
(isn’t there some sort of time-out, so the ELSE cards gets triggered then?)
As a test, I used the listen card, it works, while Marantz is switched on immediately after I switched it off.
This (of course) generates no error so no THEN action (and also no ELSE action)
When Flow Test button is pressed, I get “undefined” error messages.
I almost want to request a how-to video
As always, no hurries Arie.
I can confirm this, no other error messages. And I tried also some different flows.
Hey @DirkG and @Peter_Kawa ,
I meant, use a standard/default flowcard.
For example; In the next flow i turn on the TV (Called Frame).
If the TV is turned of and when I start it, no error returns.
If i directly press it again, i get an “Powering on in progress…”. If i wait a few seconds and start it again, i get the messages “Powered on allready…”.
This way you can get the error messages.
Thx, I will test it.
Ah I see, totally misunderstood the how-to🤗
This should work