mine is the 1st gen…it’s ok with zipato device. i had to change ids in driver to install it as a BEnext.
Wellicht is die zipato app over te zetten? Of aan te passen?
Ik woon in Amsterdam.
Ik was degene die je ook al had gevraagd over de benext remotes.
Ik heb wel ns contact gehad met benext zelf, op kantoor geweest bij hen, dus wellicht kunnen we hun nog ns contacten voor meer info. Zijn vriendelijke gasten.
Je mag t wel ff lenen, wil het uiteindelijk wel terug, maar in principe ben ik overgestapt van de benext hub naar homey. Dus ik heb er pas wat aan als t ook okay werkt
Tag heb ik volgens mij ook, maar dan moet ik wel ff zoeken.
Maybe the zipato app can be merged partially? Or just the code lifted?
I’m in Amsterdam and was the one asking about supporting the benext remotes.
I’ve had some contact with benext in the past, visited their office. Maybe they could be of assistance. They’re cool dudes.
Borrowing isnt an issue, though i would like it back.
But i’ve migrated from yhe benext to homey, so it’s only needed back once i can actually use it.
I have the tag too somewhere, but i’d need to look for it.
I can’t use my Tag Reader 500. I have the same error message as on the screenshots of the davide post. Anyone have a solution? Thank
Could you send the device to me with a tag to Borough?
Sure, but lets arrange that through Dm’s instead publicly.
Hello, Can you detail the procedure for using the Tag Reader 500 with the Zipato app? Thank you
You have to clone in local the zipato app, modify the id of reader with Benext values and install the app via CLI
Bonjour, Je ne trouve pas ou modifier l’ID du lecteur avec les valeurs Benext ( et d’ailleurs quelles sont les valeurs Benext que je dois rentrer ?) Merci
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Hi Davide, did you also added tags? If yes, how did you do that? I have a Benext v1 tagreader but simply installed it as a Zipato tagreader. That seems to be working fine. But I don’t see how I can add tags…
you can do the job in the app settings…after installing the reader you’ll find it in settings of zipato app.
Inviato dal mio Galaxy
-------- Messaggio originale --------
Because the thermostat website is taken offline and therefore also the API my thermostat stopped working, I still had my old benext heating control module and I installed that today.
I wired it up but when i try too change the temperature via Homey i get an error:
It seem the device itself is connected, i tested it and it can be reached.
What do I wrong here?
Generate that error and send me a diagnostic please?
Here is the report id: 8f4ea067-ce03-46fa-98f9-25ed8b2781f3
Is there any update?
@Arie_J_Godschalk any update on this?
Anybody has experience with the molite movement detection sensor of benext?
I can pair it to homey, but I only get temperature data… no motion alarms, no lux measurements… what to do?