API Builder
Create your custom endpoints using flows and GET/POST data to/from your Homey - perfect for that custom dashboard or external system.
App Store: Install API Builder
GUIDE: Android custom widget guide using API Builder
Getting started
Creating your first endpoint
To create an endpoint, create a “Request received”-trigger in the “When”-section. Select request type, GET
, and define the path to this endpoint, for example /temperature
If you for example select POST and enter the path /temperature, your flow will trigger if you make a POST request to https://YOURUNIQUEID.itconnects.se/temperature. It will not trigger on a GET request to this URL.
A flow tag will also be created containing eventual request body data.
Responding to requests
To respond to the request with JSON data, you use the “Respond with JSON data”-action card in “Then”-section. Here you can build any valid JSON including tags. This will be send back to the requester.
Make sure you type valid JSON or it will fail!
Making a request
When requesting any endpoint, you also need to include your API key as a query parameter in the URL, for example https://YOURUNIQUEID.itconnects.se/temperature?api_key=ABCDEF123456
We recommend using Postman when testing your endpoints. It can be downloaded for free here.
Demo flow