Grohe Sense and Sense Guard

Just a reminder to those who’d like to see Grohe Sense in Homey: Please write to ondus (at) and sense (at) and ask for Homey support - thanks in advance!

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This November I had issues with the Grohe firmware, which the support team helped me really well with , sending me an exchange unit in the end.

However, I also asked them about the Homey request, and this was their answer 3 Nov 2022. But hopefully more requests could make them change their mind =):

"Concerning your last question: No, we have no plans to open up our products to any kind of home automation platform.

The data remains accessible only via our own app.

Thank you for your understanding.

Oh, that’s good to know - but yes, I think it’s worth emailing them about it again. I’ve just done that now :slight_smile:

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Hi!! I have grohe sense and I can’t connect with the password written on the label under it.
any solutio???

Afaik there is no Homey integration with grohe sense yet,

I don’t think it’s clear to make a Topic with only the Title “Password” on this Homey Forum, that doesn’t make sense. Guess you are on the wrong spot for that here.

Therefore Moved to a Grohe Sense Topic and Closed.

Hello Johan, I have an account for Grohe(BlueHome) and I tried to test your example in Postman, when logging in I get the error message: 500 Internal Server Error
“reasons” : ,
“details” : {
“msgId” : “Id-2158ca64e8be45cf1f1b853f”

Have you tested it in Postman yet? Do you have an idea?
Greetings Stefan


I believe Grohe has made some changes to their service making these calls stoped working. It is too bad they don’t provide a documented API.

I haven’t had the time to see if I can get the new service working.

Sorry, can’t help. I which Grohe could develop a Homey app…

Rejoice! Well, if you want to…

I spent the weekend decompiling the Android app, as well as removing the certificate pinning and spying on the TLS network traffic, and put together this thing. It’s not a Homey app, both since I have no idea how to make one, and since I wanted to integrate with other things as well, but it’s an easy to use API with a Swagger file and a web interface, all in a Docker container.

Testing and bugreports are welcome, and pull requests doubly so, and if you want to make an app out of this, be my guest.

Here’s some of the functionality I’m using:

  • Using “Virtual Devices” to create a switch to control the valve of the Grohe Sense (it’s a “remote → switch”) in Virtual Devices
  • Polling the status of the valve every 5 Minutes, in case it changed from elsewhere
  • If the house alarm is Armed (we’re away, or it would be “partial armed”), it waits for the washing machine and dishwasher to stop running, then closes the valve
  • When the house alarm is no longer armed, the valve is turned on, but only if it was turned off by Homey
  • While the washing machine runs, keep snoozing the SenseGuard for 4 hours at a time, so it doesn’t trigger in the middle of the night due to the washing machine’s “eco” mode, which draws very little water over 7-8 hours.

Also supported:

  • Extracting usage statistics with much more flexibility than the app
  • Getting the notifications, marking them as read or deleting them
  • Getting battery and last-seen timestamps for battery operated devices, with support for setting a minimum battery level and last-seen time offset to produce “warning”: true (again, easy to parse in Homey)
  • Proper handling of access/refresh tokens, with renewal

Here’s a screenshot of me using the API in Homey:

See the project on GitHub here: GitHub - PacAnimal/grohe-api: A C# implementation of the Grohe Sense API, exposing a Swagger / Swashbuckle web interface for further integration

Tip: When you only have a single valve (and multiple sensors?), the /single endpoints are much easier to integrate with.

Here’s a simple example of a loop using the “next” endpoint to get all notifications from Grohe into Homey. I chose to mark them as read, but you can also delete them, or do nothing. Homey tracks the unixtime of the last notification, so even if you modify them or remove one with the app, it’ll know which is next.

…and here’s an example of getting warning messages, once a day, about AWOL or low battery devices, a situation where the Grohe app itself for some reason pleads the fifth:

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I have grohee guard a 4 sense and have severak times ask Grohee support to make an API .

It looks like you have found a way !

That’s exactly my setup. As long as you have something like a Raspberry Pi or a NUC or whatever to run a small Docker container, you can probably run this API. Let me know if you have any questions, and as mentioned I’m very open to pull requests :slight_smile:

Now there’s a public Docker image as well: Docker