[APP][Pro] Simple (Sys) LOG - Use this app for Simple (Sys) Logging

Log can now also be retrieved in flows as CSV (base64), JSON (base64) and Excel (base64)

(in test)

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Nice stuff again, Arie

The export to FTP is super neat.

Severity changes don’t seem to be adjusted yet, they’re all ‘informational’ in the log.
Screenshot from 2023-03-13 16-25-50

Screenshot from 2023-03-13 16-33-22

Yeah Peter, that card doesnt do anything, it’s just a place where you can configure the Automater per flow.
Run the script, and this flow will be updated with the values you have picked in the Automater card in this flow.

The values in the top of the script is just to fill the Automater the first time.
But changing values in the automater doesn’t do anything directly, you need to run the script again.

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Ah okay, I didn’t get it right then hehe.
About setting it in the script, is that this line you mean?

const errorSeverity = 3, triggerSeverity = 6, conditionSeverity = 6, actionSeverity = 6, facility = 16;

Yeah, those are the default.
When a flow doesn’t have a Automater card yet, it will create on and fill it with these values.

If you change the values on the Automater in a flow (and have update:Yes) and then run the script, it will use the values of the Automater.

This way, you have control over each flow, if you want.

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So much fun with this log app. It’s tempting to not run the script for all flows at once :crazy_face:

Is it an idea to mention the severity levels as a comment?

const errorSeverity = 3, triggerSeverity = 6, conditionSeverity = 6, actionSeverity = 6, facility = 16;
// Emergency=0 Alert=1 Critical=2 Error=3 Warning=4 Notice=5 Informational=6 Debug=7

And just FYI, I noticed this memory glitch, but I installed a few app updates at that time and that might be related:

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Hi Arie,

Now I finally got around to testing the syslog interface.

I noticed the following:

  • The transport (udp,tcp) can be selected in the settings, although you implemented this.

  • The bigger problem is that when I send a syslog message (via flow), I get the following error message from my syslog server.

[2023-03-14T09:33:43.989689] Syslog connection accepted; fd='17', client='AF_INET(192.168.xx.xx:59212)', local='AF_INET('
[2023-03-14T09:33:43.990430] Invalid frame header; header=''
[2023-03-14T09:33:43.990484] Syslog connection closed; fd='17', client='AF_INET(192.168.xx.xx:59212)', local='AF_INET('


Please send me a diagnostic?

What kind of syslog are you using to connect with?

Are you missing a word somewhere in this sentence?

YEP !:person_facepalming:!

The transport (udp,tcp) cannot be selected in the settings…

Okay @cgHome , update SL to test (and BLL to test i think, depends on the version).

I have fixed multiple things, like transport mode is back and is working correctly for udp and tcp.
(the app doesn’t need a restart on setting change, it will re-initialize automaticly after changes).

Because there were multiple issues, can you recheck with the test version and see how things go?

Hey Arie,

FYI, the card “Get the whole log as xlsx(base64)” errors:

  • Yesterday the card worked OK
  • The csv version of this card still works OK

Q: Is there a way to change ‘base64’ into a less technical description? I had to look it up, and I’m still confused what it means :sweat_smile: :rofl:


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Have you updated BLL to the current Test version?
I just update BLL, to make sure there at least are no errors when the settings are undefined.

But the fix is in BLL (test).

Well, i am not sure how.

Files like Excel are binary files, you cannot transport them through tokens.
But any file can be converted into a text (base64), which contains the whole file, just a little bigger and as text/string.
That way, we can pass files along in Homey :slight_smile:
Since, currently, only Images are supported.

But about the base64, perhaps there needs to be a place where it’s explained?

Better not, i think that would create a memory issue.

SL is not yet ready, because indeed, memory builds up.
SL on my HP2019 is currently at 70MB because of reading the complete log.
It doesn’t like that with 5000 records yet.

Working on it before any release ofc.

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That was the solution Arie, thx!

No I’ll wait for your green light on that :wink:

Aaaaah, rings a bell, and while you mentionded ‘images’, I just thought of the fact I have some pics as base64 text /string in homeassistant. Is a TEF also base64?
I still have no clue how to describe ‘base64’ yet :wink:
Maybe in the flowcard tooltip. Like ‘base64 is a file converted to a text/string for easy export to anywhere’?

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A test with one of my biggest flows went well :wink:

FYI Currently the export is null, I tried every format, latest apps, apps restarted
Screenshot from 2023-03-14 15-45-05

Send me a diag?

And show me a printscreen of the BLL app settings–>Exports?

Here you go:

Oh, and just fyi, in SSL settings, the log is present and up-to-date.