[APP][Pro] Power by the Hour: Insights per hour, day, month and year

new test version 6.2.1: Power by the Hour | Homey

  • DAP: forecast afternoon bug fixed.
  • German translation updated.
  • homey-api@3.4.20

Thx @DirkG for the German translation update!
@Torch1969 @CaptainVoni I created a quick untested fix (I hope) for the missing forecast between 13 and 14 hours. Can you please test?


To all German-speaking PbtH users.

If the translation is wrong or unclear, please let me know. The latest translations mainly refer to (PV) batteries. As I don’t own any myself, I’m not familiar with the right wording.


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Installed the test version and checked a few times after 13:00: prices came in early today at 13:03 (of course :man_facepalming:). Until then I saw estimated prices and after that the prices for tomorrow were the actual prices. I never had at any time no prices for tomorrow.

I will keep an eye on this in the next days and try to catch a day when prices come in late.

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Thx for testing!
And many thanks for your kind donation @CaptainVoni ! Much appreciated :beers: :heart:

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I’m trying to understand the “The price is one of the number lowest in the period hours before time o’clock” card. I’m trying to use this to figure out when to charge my car. I only want it to charge after 19:00, and be fully charged by 07:00 the next morning. I might be connecting it before 19, and I might be connecting it after that time. I’m getting the number of hours of charging needed to reach the cap from another app, and I’m running the flow to check both once you connect the car, and every hour.

If I do for instance “The price is one of the 3 lowest in the 12 hours before 7 o’clock”, will it then look at the price right now and see if it is lower or equal to any of the 3 lowest hours in the hours between 19:00 that night and 7 the next morning?

If yes… What happens if it’s 20:00 at night? Will it then only look at the next 11 hours?

If no, what exactly does it do?

Hi @Gruijter

I am wondering if there is a way to have a virtual DAP or a DAP with a virtual (non EU) country (where I can set the current price myself), so its price can be used by the PBTH power summarize devices.

(I hesitate to create a flow where I overwrite the price of an existing DAP that keeps updating hourly.)

For ‘external’ sources you can only send the current price to a price group via a flow. And you can do that as often as needed (e.g. every hour).
But there is no way to use future prices. Only the EU (ENTSO-E) can be used as source for that.

What is a price group?

That is exactly what it does. The card will be true during the 3 lowest hours in the 12 hours before 7 o’clock :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
12 hours before 07:00 starts at 19:00 (in the evening), and includes all hours untill and including 06:00 next morning. So the card will give ‘true’ if the price of the current hour is one of the 3 lowest.

No. It looks at the 12 hours starting at 19:00

You can set every summarizer (e.g. a power socket or your main meter) to be part of a price group. By default that price group is ‘1’. A DAP sends its current price every hour to a selected price group (By default it is disabled, so you need to set it to ‘1’ when you want all summarizers to use the DAP price).

Alternatively to using DAP you can send any price to any price group via a flow. So that is what you need to do to use your external source.

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Found it. I am sorry that I did not see it before. Thank you.

I will keep an eye on this also, but as @CaptainVoni says, we have to wait until this specific situation occurs……

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So it’ll look at the previous hour as well then? So if I want to know the lowest in the coming hours I’ll need to do some math to count the number of hours until 7 and then add that into the place where I had 12 in the original post?

Hello! I’m looking for this use case: every morning at 9am send an email (or telegram) the graph insight of per-hour usage of the previous day as per below. Is it something feasible?

@Torch1969 @CaptainVoni I created a quick untested fix (I hope) for the missing forecast between 13 and 14 hours. Can you please test?

@Gruijter Today prices came in late. Shortly after 13:00 I saw the following:

Take a close look at the prices for “tomorrow” in the chart for “Next hours”.

I requested also the JSON for the next hours:


At 14:03 the prices were updated:

And here is the JSON for the next hours requested shortly afterwards.


So when prices are late:

  • tomorrows prices are empty instead of the estimated prices
  • tomorrows prices as returned for “next hours” are in fact the estimated prices for the day after tomorrow

Hope this helps.

Would it be possible to indicate somehow from which hour on prices are just estimates, i.e. as additional flow tag returned by “Provide prices JSON for XXX”?

Good morning
I want to change the fixed price per flow on several Power by the hour devices.
I use the flow card for each device.
But I see that not all of them are updated.
What could be the reason?
Best regards

In the advanced settings of the PbtH devices, the same number of the Update group of the Flow card Set electricity tariff to must be filled into the menu item Tariff update group (Flow or DAP)

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It’s OK

Thank you so much

Best regards

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I am still having issues with both negative readings a few times a week and lost connection to the unit. I have 9 different units connected to a PBTH Summarizer. They all lose connection and stop reading. Leaving the small text under the reading saying “2 days ago” for example. Even though the unit is still working and a reboot of POTH or the Homey fixes the issue. Then it works for a few days then stops again. This goes for both Tibber Pulse and a Shelly devices.
I have created a virtual unit that update from the same unit but from a flow and this never has any issues, keeps working even if the other stops.

So to my questions since I have found a work around. I don’t want to discard over 1 year of data. Can this data be “moved” to the virtual unit? Or can it be possible to disconnect the POTH unit from for example Tibber Pulse and start to update the reading from a flow instead? Change the source from Homey unit to virtual?