[APP][Pro] Device Capabilities - Enhance the capabilities of devices

Wow, that is really great! Thanks!

One last question; is there an easy way to add a short text string next to it? ‘Screen down’ for example? If not, then I rename the device! (The ‘device’ is controlling all the advanced flows. So a more universal name was chosen.

Scherm­afbeelding 2023-05-24 om 15.37.48

Edit: And the ‘pictogram’ selector is gone. So it has no ‘pictogram’ anymore
Scherm­afbeelding 2023-05-24 om 15.41.03

p.s. Will donate 2 cups of coffee for your time and help! :wink:

Yeah hang on, i made a mistake, icons are hard.
Just wait a sec :wink:

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Okay, install the testversion again:

Now, i changed that icons can be used for Sensor (Status).
Please note: Each time you pick another Icon, the field is re-created as different field, messing up Insights, tags and you need to reset it as indicator in the Homey App.

Also, i made the Unit field a textbox multiline: Use enter for a breakline:

This will result in multiple lines: You can only have 3 lines in the Homey app tho!


Wow, another cool feature added. You’re never gonna stop, are you? :beers:



Well, i just got a brilliant idea how to make this, and i have wanted this for long time, so since i got the idea now, i just implemented it :wink:

Plus: this is what i love with Homey: There are so many possibilities, as long as someone themself create it in an app.


If he keeps it up, soon we won’t need any other apps. :+1::+1::face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Really really great and many thanks!
I’m already a Patreon, so donated 15 euro for a cup of coffee / Beer this evening.
Really happy now and thanks for your time!

Hi Arie, it works like a charm, but I was testing with my power measure device, it seems to ignore the negative sign from a value?
The value to check by the flowcard is 300

Thanks m8! Much appreciated!

And if anyone else wants to support by donating of becoming a sponsor, check the verious ways you can :wink: :

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Well, it’s a textfield which is converted into a float by Number.parseFloat, so it should work.
However, please send me a printscreen of the flowcard and send me the EXACT value of the tag you are using.
Perhaps it has a space in it or something?

Because this:
Gives as result this:

The positive or negative value is coming from the Homewizard app. As far as i can see, it has no (hidden) whitespace (yes I know this is thin ice for me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: ):
(“measure_power” is called “Current usage” in this app)

I checked with moving the cursor using the arrow keys through -139
Screenshot from 2023-05-24 16-29-51

Not sure what’s happening now, it doesn´t seem to matter what value I enter in the When card, the Then card just gets fired:

Screenshot from 2023-05-24 16-51-29

The ‘measure_power’ or ‘current usage’ is always negative during the tests
Screenshot from 2023-05-24 16-57-48

Hi Arie,

the new test version has caused my early 23 to crash several times. Homey shows the red ring of death, but can be restarted by disconnecting it from the power supply.
I have tried reinstalling the test version several times, but the problem remains.
It runs with the stable version.

I’ll look into it after diner, but its wierd: i have your crash reports: It says the flowcard doesn’t exists.

It also says its not the newest version BTW, but the old version which didn’t have the flowcard yet.
This is very straigns!

The coding below was not yet part of 2.11.11, so this error message should not exists at all!
It’s not possible !

It almost looks like you have the old 2.11.11 app.JSON file (which would mean the flowcard would indeed not exist yet), but have the app.JS from 2.12.0

Your app Device Capabilities has crashed.

App ID


App Version


Homey Version


Stack Trace

Error: Not Found: FlowCardTrigger with ID homey:app:nl.qluster-it.DeviceCapabilities:trigger_capability_hasbeen

at Remote Process

at HomeyClient.emit (/node_modules/@athombv/homey-apps-sdk-v3/lib/HomeyClient.js:44:23)

at ManagerFlow._onCardGetArgumentValues (/node_modules/@athombv/homey-apps-sdk-v3/manager/flow.js:229:26)

at FlowCardTrigger.getArgumentValues (/node_modules/@athombv/homey-apps-sdk-v3/lib/FlowCardTrigger.js:72:25)

at DeviceSetter.refreshcapabilityhasbeennumbertrigger2s (/app/app.js:335:31)

at DeviceSetter.onInit (/app/app.js:331:43)

at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

at async SDK._initApp (/node_modules/@athombv/homey-apps-sdk-v3/lib/SDK.js:249:7)

at async SDK.createClient (/node_modules/@athombv/homey-apps-sdk-v3/lib/SDK.js:131:7)

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How do you test this?
By pressing the test button?
Because When cards are not validated during a manual trigger/test, only the condition cards.
So how did you get the green checkmark?
You cannot test a trigger/When card like this!

I have tried to reinstall the stable between the crashes. This is probably the reason for the false messages.
The experimental crashes every 1 minute. This happened a few times until Homey showed the red ring.
I have now reinstalled the stable version and Homey is running. The app no longer crashes either.
The previous experimental one worked without problems.
If you want, I can install the beta again so that you get the correct reports.

No hurries Arie, just testing. Maybe it’s just the standard flow? I’ll try a Adv. flow with this flowcard.
Let’s see what it sends to the log cards…

I updated the app to v2.13.1 just before testing with Adv flow.
I was on a v2.12.0 testversion before this, the first version which had the New Flowcard: When [[device]].[[capability]] is [[condition]] [[value]] for [[time]] [[unit]], execute [[trigger]].

No clue why the versions mismatch in the error logs.

I have to say the app, sometimes uses over 60MB, en then it is automatically restarted by a flow. It looks like it occurs when I run test flows, with DC cards in it, a lot, or when I’m heavily editing a AVD.

I have just reported this to Athom:
homey-pro-early-2023 - Homey Community - 7 new items - Slack

My bad. I pressed the test button indeed.

But, the results of this card were from the normal running flow, I was not working with Homey at 09:37 and 09:42, and the reason to ask why a negative value is seen as greater than 300

No, the messages themself cannot be correct: I think the app.json is not being overwritten correctly, that’s the only explanation imho.

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Yes, memory grows, i know.
I allready spend many days working on finding the issues.
However, it’s ver hard to find it on my production hp2019: Memory grows, but an app restart doesn’t let it shrink, only a full homey restart does, and takes quite some time.

I did just found a few vars that could be changed to lets, this seems to help a bit.

I am curently still on the athom-api instead of homey-api, im still waiting for the v3 to work correctly, when that’s done, i hope changes to that one will reduce the memory usage.

I installed the latest version (2.13.2, in test now), and i am restarting my homey, meaning DC will run about 25MB on my hp2019.
Lets see if memory grows tonight without me editing anything.

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