Ring Doorbell, Camera and Alarm support for Homey

New test version published

Current test version: 2.10.1

  • App updated to SDK3
  • Added several new translations
  • Added new App Store images
  • Minor code fixes
  • Improved device add function
  • Improved device repair function
  • Improved apps settings page

You can find it here: Ring App (test version)

This version is the first SDK3 version. Next to the upgrade there are also some improvements and minor fixes.
There are also some languages added, I’ve used ChatGPT for this so I’m not sure everything is correct. If you spot errors, please post them on Github

Unfortunately updating the app to SDK3 does not mean it’s ready for Homey Pro Early 2023, some functionality is not working.
Most noticeable is that it is nog longer possible to retrieve a snapshot by using a flow. I’ve done my best getting this fixed by Athom but until now without result. If this is not fixed by Athom I will have no other choice than to remove this functionality completely.