Ring Doorbell and Camera support for Homey

@DaneedeKruyff ,
I have 2 questions:

  1. Will the Ring Outdoor Contact Sensor also be added to this App?

  2. Will it be possible to record a video instead of only the snapshot with the Camera’s?
    The recording will be started by a motion sensor outside and the camera inside behind a window. This is possible with the Blink Camera’s and app (see Blink for Home App voor Homey | Homey). I use this with 1 camera mounted BEHIND glass and a motion sensor outside, but I want to get rid of the Blink system in the end. The location for the camera outside that window on the wall AND to have to change the battery every X time with a ladder (I do not want to use a solar charger) is a hmmmmmmmm for me.

Yes, I want to also support Outdoor Contact Sensor and other Ring Alarm System devices, but I don’t have the devices yet and haven’t yet planned when to buy them (I had hoped to receive some donations to justify buying all these devices)

Regarding the starting of recording, the Ring Camera’s respond them selves to motion, so I don’t see why you’d want to trigger externally.
Also, Homey itself hasn’t gotten support for video yet, maybe when that’s done I’ll look into it.


The external trigger is for when putting the camera behind glass/windows and not on the outside of the house or proporty. I have it on 2 locations with the Blink devices (also an Amazon product), so I was curious if this would be possible.

Also to mention/ask, the motion and door sensors you added are the V1 versions?

Let everybody with wishes about this topic donate 10 euro. Then we have all the advantages about the Ring Alarm system app


the motion sensor of the camera does not work through the window… so that might be a use case… not sure how to trigger this as it does not have to store the video on homey but just trigger the recording to the ring cloud… (and stop trigger for the recording of course…) the video support on homey is not directly required i think…

Exactly. The trigger(s) would be enough.
IF it is somewhere available to implement.

Thanks for your support Rein!
Much appreciated!

There is no trigger card available but I also think it’s not needed.
The Ring Cameras don’t use traditional motion detection like Passive Infra Red (PIR) sensors do, but basically a comparison between 2 images to determine if there is motion.

Today I placed an Indoor cam behind a window and I received a notification instantly when I conquered the weather :wink:

New test version published

Test version: 2.12.4

  • Added Ring Alarm System support, now supporting Ring Contact Sensor, Ring Alarm Motion Detector and Ring Keypad

You’ll find test version of this app here: Ring | Homey

This version adds, next to the Contact Sensor and Motion Detector, support for the Ring Alarm Keypad. It has the Tamper Alarm and battery capabilities.

This is the device to select when adding:

Again, if this is the first device you’re adding you’ll have to authorise at Ring, make sure to have your logon information available, otherwise the regular device add wizard is run.

After adding the device you can make your first flow with it, these are the flow cards available for the Ring Alarm Keypad:

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Brilliant work. Look forward to updates, would love to see support for Armed Stay / Away / Home if possible?. Thanks so much for your efforts on this.


That’s already possible, there are trigger, condition cards available on the app level, when you select the app they will show below the devices

that way you can add these cards to various flows:

You are half right, but this only works with the wired Ring cams.
The battery powered Ring cams (stick-up cams) still work with PIR.

Ah sorry i missed that. so I can use ring arm states to change Homey inflows to either home / away and then also the Heimdale app handle more security sensors etc?
Brilliant thanks

Yes, you sure can!

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Sorry, missed your reply earlier. All my camera’s are wired, I tested once with battery only but the response was to slow for my liking. I didn’t even had battery operated cameras in mind when answering your question about triggering recordings from Homey.
Even when triggering from the outside is possible, I doubt the response would be fast enough, when using the camera inside it shouldn’t be to hard to use it with a continuous power supply circumventing all drawbacks of battery operated.