What kind of device would you like to be added :
Sungrow Inverter
What kind of category signal would the app use :
Simple using the Sungrow WebAPI - directly connected to their server (iSolarCloud). The option to connect via Modbus is more complicated and needs advanced skills to connect.
Is there a (public) API / documentation or known other implementations (like Blogs/Github etc)
There are a few implementations for Homebridge and Home Assistant using the API. There is also an GoLang Implementation to access the iSolarCloud. All implementations are simple.
- GitHub - MortJC/homebridge-platform-isolarcloud
- Home Assistant Community Add-on: iSolarCloud / Sungrow - Share your Projects! - Home Assistant Community
- GitHub - MickMake/GoSungrow: GoLang implementation to access the iSolarCloud API updated by SunGrow inverters.
- https://github.com/MickMake/HomeAssistantAddons/tree/main/GoSungrow
Are you willing to loan or donate a device to a developer?
KeHo: yes, willing to donate.