[Pro][Dashboard] SmartDash - a dashboard for Homey

DAIKIN ONECTA has updated the drivers for the airconditioner.

I can no longer see the device in the “thermostat” selection. It is displayed in devices as ‘air-conditioning’

What info do you need to fix this ?

Hi, i update the app with the new type!

hi, i released a ns panel update. try if now work!

That was very fast :wink:

  • airo can be added → OK
  • Target temp is not shown
  • Current room temp also not displayed
  • No on-off button
  • I cannot control anything. Buttons do not react to press

every cababilities are changed, not only the type…
“onoff” is “onoff_onoff” and “measure_temperature” is “measure_temperature_indoortemperature”

i try to fix in next update

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I released an update, check if it work :sweat_smile:

no update

try now

The on/off button is added…

But I cannot touch / control any thing.
so buttons do not work

I can give you the teamviewer Id if you want to see for yourself

new update available, try now!

temps are shown okay…

But still not able to control anything, cannot change temp, modus or any thing

So for info only it is Okay, not to set temp etc

new update. i should fixed the onoff button. check in work!
I have internet down at home and i can’t direct test…

no update available :wink:

check now, the new version is 0.250130.1

Ok, that is the version I have…

But still I cannot use the buttons for the Aircop widget.

Hello @diapolon , is your app compatible with the NSPanel Pro 120 ?

Thank you

Hello @diapolon ,
I have this message since last update on Sonoff :

When I select « ok » I stay on this screen:

Hi, the message is wrong, i think i have miss some translate text. Tomorrow i fix it

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v0.2502062 - release 1.5.04

  • I fixed loading error @Julien_Moors check if now work. Update with manual apk
  • I hope I fixed the thermostat @WillemG
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Sorry will not be able to test soon. My NSPanel had an accident and isn;t responding to anything…
Looking to replace it, but don;t know if it will be an NSPanel again.