[APP][Pro] Virtual Devices - Virtual Devices to simulate 1 or more real devices

So you are the perfect testuser? :stuck_out_tongue:
If it breaks, you convert them?

Nah, you can always switch back to the live version, i didnā€™t change anything about devices or something like that. No migrations to the new version.

Do you mean AVD from DC app? Or is there another VD app?

Good to hear!

Letā€™s have few more people install the test and say the same (or, if i get no reponses but see a lot of test-installs, that also works :stuck_out_tongue:)!

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I have a truckload of VD devices, installing your test-version now, Arie!

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Of course I meant AVD, sorry.

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I am gonna change the topic a bit, This is a reminder message:
This is the Old Topic Post up until i, @Arie_J_Godschalk took over on 26-10-2022.

Important Note:

This app is no longer updated. It works how it works.

My last update was 15 months ago and facing reality: Homey is developing much quicker than I can keep up. With the new release of Homey Bridge and support for TypeScript, it makes sense to start from scratch and create a new Virtual Devices v2 app that follows the latest standards.

That wonā€™t be me, though. I have different interests. Perhaps in the futureā€¦, but no, donā€™t wait for that.

Feel free to take the name, the ideas and even parts of the code. In fact I would like that very much.

I can advice to create several apps:

  • 1 App for pure Virtual Devices, supporting only the capabilities provided by Athom
  • 1 App for sensors, with the freedom to combine multiple (sensor-)capabilities into 1 app
  • 1 App for modes, maybe give the multi-mode a new try
  • Specific apps for specific request. E.g. Garage doors, Swimming pools, etc.

Thanks for all the compliments, questions, and help.

With kind regards,


Virtual Devices can simulate anything without using an actual interface. Wellā€¦ of course within the limits that Homey provides.

There is more information, including How-toā€™s on GitHub Pages: Virtual Devices | virtual-devices

Please report bugs on github: Issues Ā· ArjanKranenburg/virtual-devices Ā· GitHub

Questions can be asked here or on Slack (@arielaxed)

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Who else can confirm that the Virtual Device App is working correct with the new SDK3 test version?

How did it go Peter?

Me, the app runs without errors.

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Okay, i have submitted it for review, if i get a okay from Athom and no issues reported, im gonna publish it.

Only BetterLogic left for me a.t.m. :slight_smile:

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I canā€™t discover any malfunctions or errors ā€™ till now, Arie. .Just started installing v1.0.1

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What is the difference between this app and Advanced Virtual Devices? Basically both do the exact same thing, with the latter of course, having much more customization options. But i like the purple color so much in my advanced flows :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: Also this app uses about a third of the memory that Advanced Virtual Devices uses. Makes sense because this one is more lightweight, but you get it haha

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Hey Osirion,

Well to be honest, i think there are extrem big differences between the Virtual Devices App and the Advanced Virtual Devices from the Device Capabilities App.

The Virtual Devices App

  • This app is extremly lightweight, few hundreds kB in install size and mostly runs wel below 10MB in memory size.
  • It letā€™s you create a Virtual Default(!) Class/Type-Of Device.
    You can create a device, need to select a class (ā€˜otherā€™ is not an option(!)) and from that class you can select which default Homey capabilities (fields in AVD) you want to have on this VD.
    What you now get is in accordance with itā€™s name: a Virtual Device.
  • You can pick/upload a custom icon for the device itself during creation.
  • Very easy to use: absolutly no customisation or settings needed after device creation.
  • Al(most all) based on default Homey flowcards.

The Advanced Virtual Devices from Device Capabilities

  • The install size is about average to large, with al itā€™s default iconā€™s compressed/zipped in it, with currently 6MB. Memorywise it runs normally between 23MB and 30MB, but depending on your Homey and when you create AVDs or use Share Your Device or The Flow Exchange(r) you can easily get up to 50 or 60 MB of memory.
    So for a default VD, the AVD and DC is a big overkill imho.
  • It letā€™s you create a Virtual Completly-To-Your-Wishes Device.
    • You can set the class to any type, including other, making it not visible on certain other apps and software. You can do this after creation.
    • You can add the same capabilities/fields multiple times.
      This means you can have one AVD controlling multiple real device through separate UI controls (like buttons). Take this AVD Template for example: Control 2 dimmable lights as one. It letā€™s you control two real dimable lights through one AVD, but the AVD actually has a totla of three buttons (not possible with VD).
      Or this more extensive Living room example. Here you have 3 neat looking custom-iconed buttons, with custom names and everything. These custom names also show up in flows, making it very readable.
      I have actually added a few thing to my Living Room AVD, like the curtains and Sonos. All Living room devices within one(!) AVD. This kind of stuff is not possible with VD.
    • AVDs can have as many fields as you would like. Except for Homey, browser, javascript, max-number-length, etc., limitations, there are now App limitations to how many fields you can have.
    • You can add fields like Camera, multiple times, so you can put all cameraā€™s in one AVD. Much more handy then a lott of devices in on ā€œRoomā€.
    • You can create your own capabilities (fields), not just pick from the default Homey types.
      All default types can be used, but you can also pick a lott of other options or just set every field-option yourself. Create a Tag or insight, give the field a Name or Icon, SHow it or Hide it, Make it pushable or not. A lot can be customised.
    • You can now even add default lists/pickers and a few default-custom lists. (And you can request to add your own custom picker/lists to the DC app).
    • You can customise the Device icon but also the Field icons (Buttons, Sensor, etc.) after the creation of the device.
    • You can pretty much reconfigure your whole AVD after creation!
    • You can Export and Import you whole AVD including itā€™s flows to other users.
      Share Your Device! - Advanced Virtual Devices from Device Capabilities.
      The Flow Exchange(r) - Exchange Your Flows with Others! - Flows - Homey Community Forum.
      I know people are gonna be hesitant about SYD and TFE, but it actually works pretty well already!
      See for example these posts with @DirkG: AVD created and shared with fantross.

Being able to create this Control 2 dimmable lights as one AVD is Unique!
There is no other way then AVD to create one virtual device to emulate multiple devices in one.

Being able to create an (A)VD and Share Your Device including flows with another user is Unique!
Even Athom doesnā€™t have a method for this :stuck_out_tongue:

Being able to import a AVD from someone else and have the flows configured to your own devices is Unique!
As soon as SYD and TFE becomes more well known and people start trusting and using it, this will be a very handy tool for helping others and newcomers!
I know you should create most of your own flows to start understanding it all, but be real, why keep inventing the wheel over and over and over? Why would i need to explain to @DirkG HowTo make the AVD and itā€™s flows, while explaining it will take me longer then creating it (if i want the images i already need to create everything first) then to just give it all to him: The AVD and Flows. And now he doesnā€™t need to really configure much, so less change at a mistake (since else he would need to create everything based on my print-screens and explanation).

So, i really like VD and itā€™s simplicity.
And i donā€™t think AVDs are gonne surpase it and iā€™m not sure it should.
VD is very easy to use, very handy for a lot of users.
But VD ā€œonlyā€ letā€™s you ā€œpick a (limited) default Homey Deviceā€.


AVD letā€™s you create your own device, the way you like it, with all the fields you need and the icons you prefer!

Also, AVD was build out of the need from a user to be able to set a Text on a Device Tile in the Homey/Web App:

From that, AVD (and DC) has grown very fast into a completly Unique App, there is no other App like it.
And yes, it does many things that other Apps do in some way or another, like VD but also like Better Logic: Add fields to an AVD and put the Tag and Insights On, and you have got about hte same thing, only now your variables are grouped together and you can have Image-variables.
But i donā€™t know about any App being able to simulate what AVDā€™s can do.


Yeah, the skills i have in developing, i lack in design :grimacing:
And DC was never intended to grow like it now has/is, i didnā€™t put the effort in to ask for a design back then.
And for about 1,5 year there were only 150 users, so i guess that was fine.

But since AVD itā€™s been multipling like crazy, so i might actually need to rethink the design and ask @johan_bendz if he has any good sugestions for the images, icons and color.

I do like my own made Robot-head a bit tho :stuck_out_tongue:

Amazing rundown of the features. Thanks for taking the time! Realy helpful to see the big differences between the apps to base my choice on.

The robot head is a fun one, you should defo keep that. If only for nostalgic reasons!

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My virtual devices are not working anymore in home assistant, does any one have the some problem?

Update to the latest version?
There was an API bug in a previous version.

If thats not the solution, please send me a diagnostic?

Yes, itā€™s the latest version v1.0.3.


Okay, could you explain this some more?
What is not working?
Are the not showing?
Or can you not toggle switches or something?
Which kind of device is not working or are non working / showing?

Sure Arie :slight_smile: Send me a pm with your needs so I can keep track of it :smiley:


Hey Arie, Iā€™ve added a request: for the Virtual Thermostate: is it possible to set a minimum target temperature step of 0.1 , and without restrictions (besides 0), so step of 0.25 can be possible as well.
At this moment, step value is fixed to 0.5 or 1 or 2

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